Sunday, July 31, 2011

Takk the Leaper and Takk's Nest (Leaping Hatchling)

Takk the Leaper is a level 14 rare grey raptor that can be found in the north eastern part of Northern Barrens circling the mountains south of Nozzlepot's Outpost. (I have indicated where he is located  on the map below in red.) Before patch 3.3 he dropped the vanity pet Leaping Hatchling pictured on the right in the picture above. The hatchling no longer drops off of him but can now be looted directly from the nest Takk's Nest and is a 100% chance drop. As of 4.2 he drops a green and a decent amount of experience for toons around his level. He also makes an attractive hunter pet for low level horde characters. 

Takk the Leaper does not need to be up for the nest to be spawned in and vice versa, they have independent spawn timers which seem to be a couple of hours each (maybe less). I have found him alone before with no nest, I've found just the nest and I've also found both up at the same time. The nest will also only spawn near the location of the rare raptor.

There are three other rare raptors with associated hatchlings and nests and those are:

Razormaw Matriarch and Her Nest (Razormaw Hatchling)

Razormaw Matriarch is a level 25 rare raptor that can be found inside the cave at Raptor Ridge in the Wetlands. (I have indicated where the cave entrance is located  on the map below.) Before patch 3.3 she dropped the vanity pet Razormaw Hatchling pictured on the right in the picture above. The hatchling no longer drops off of her but can now be looted directly from her nest Razormaw Matriarch's Nest and is a 100% chance drop. As of 4.2 she drops a green and a decent amount of experience for toons around her level.

Razormaw Matriarch does not need to be up for the nest to be spawned in and vice versa (they have independent spawn timers). I have found her alone before with no nest, I've found just the nest and I've also found both up at the same time as you can see in the video below. The nest will only spawn near the location of the rare raptor.

There are three other rare raptors with associated hatchlings and nests and those are:

The Razza

The Razza is a level 40 aggressive rare chimaera that used to spawn in the Dire Maul arena. He now spawns in a ruined gnoll camp west of New Thalanarr up in the mountains. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.)  He is desirable as a hunter pet as he has a unique blue and white skin. There are two other rare chimaeras with unique skins in the game and those are The Evalcharr (Azshara) and Nuramoc (Netherstorm)

The Evalcharr

The Evalcharr is a level 19 aggressive rare chimaera that can be found just west of Gallywix Pleasure Palace in Azshara. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.)  He is desirable as a hunter pet as he has a unique paint job. There are two other rare chimaeras in the game with unique skins and those are Nuramoc (Netherstorm) and The Razza (Feralas).  

The Evalcharr is in the Chimaera family of exotic cunning pets. He can only be tamed by hunters that have the top-tier talent from the Beast Mastery tree Exotic Beasts which allows the taming of exotic pets.

Tsul'Kalu - The Earth Spirit

Tsul'Kalu is a level 28 non-aggressive rare gorilla that can be found to the west of the Venture Company Base Camp just across the river in Northern Stranglethorn Vale. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.) He is one of the three troll gods: Pogeyan <The Fire Spirit>, Mahamba <The Water Spirit>, and Tsul'kalu <The Earth Spirit>. He shares the same model and coloration as Unk'loc a level 53 rare spawn in Un'Goro Crater, but unlike him he is tamable at only level 28.

Mahamba - The Water Spirit

Mahamba is a level 28 non-aggressive rare crocolisk that can be found on the river banks just north of the Venture Company Base Camp in Northern Stranglethorn Vale. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.) He is one of the three troll gods: Pogeyan <The Fire Spirit>, Mahamba <The Water Spirit>, and Tsul'kalu <The Earth Spirit>. He shares the same model and coloration as the Baradin Crocolisks in Tol Barad, but unlike them he is tamable at only level 28.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pogeyan - The Fire Spirit

Pogeyan is a level 28 non-aggressive rare cat that can be found to the west of the Tkashi Ruins in Northern Stranglethorn Vale. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.) He is one of the three troll gods: Pogeyan <The Fire Spirit>, Mahamba <The Water Spirit>, and Tsul'kalu <The Earth Spirit>. He is especially desirable as a hunter pet as he looks incredibly unique. To me it looks like he's wrapped in plastic wrap.


Sambas is a level 85 hostile rare spawn with approximately 116k health that can be found in several different locations in the Twilight Highlands. The areas Sambas can be found at are located in green on the map below. In my opinion hes one of the best looking tamable hunter pets currently in game. He shares the same model as the Golden King mount, which is the reward for reaching guild level 25. 

Sambas is a tamable HUNTER PET. If killed all he drops is a Crystalline Tear of Loyalty Non-hunters please leave him alone so that he can be tamed.

Taming: You NEED to be level 85 to tame Sambas because he is a level 85 mob. He is a non-elite so he doesn't hit very hard. In the video below I am taming him on my newly dinged 85 hunter with no traps or special abilities used and he didn't even get me below 70% health. You do not need to be BM spec to tame him as he is just a cat with a unique model.

Sambas' NPCScan ID is 50159. Also, when your flying above his spawn points look for the red dots on your mini-map as he is aggressive. Before looking for him also remember to clear your cache if your using npcscan to search for him. Almost every time I'm in a capital city he is instantly cached.

Sambas is also unaffected by phasing within the zone. It doesn't matter how many quests you have done in the Twilight Highlands, if he's up you will see him. He also seems to have roughly a 6-24 hour spawn timer.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Tarvus the Vile

Tarvus the Vile is a non-elite hostile level 85 dragonkin rare spawn with approximately 116k health who spawns in the southern most cave on the western side of the Obsidian Forest in the Twilight Highlands. The location he spawns at is shown in blue on the map below. He generally doesn't stay alive for too long once he spawns in as he is in a high traffic area where people are questing and mining.

Tarvus the Vile drops Tarvus's Poison-Scarred Boots, they are bind on equip item level 346 caster leather boots with one red socket. On the ah they should land you a couple hundred gold or they would make nice starter boots for a caster druid. He also drops around 20 gold, and for leveling characters killing him yields a hefty amount of experience. 


Blazewing is a non-elite hostile level 81 rare phoenix with approximately 93k health who spawns in The Scorched Plain in Mount Hyjal. He looks just like Al'ar the Phoenix God, and my all time favorite mount in game Ashes of Al'ar. The location he can be found at is shown in blue on the map below. 

Blazewing drops Blazewing's Furious Kilt, which are bind on equip item level 346 leather caster pants with two sockets. On my server they sell for approximately 1,000 gold. He also drops around 20 gold, and I imagine for leveling characters killing him yields a hefty amount of experience. 


Duststalker is a level 8 aggressive rare cat that can be found in southern Teldrassil east of Gnarlpine Hold. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.)  He is especially desirable as a hunter pet as he looks exactly like the Spotted Frostsaber mount as you can see in the screenshot above.


Shadowclaw is a level 13 aggressive rare cat that can be found just north of the Ruins of Auberdine in Darkshore. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.)  He is especially desirable as a hunter pet as he looks exactly like the Striped Nightsaber mount as you can see in the screenshot above.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Deth'tilac is a level 85 rare spawn (added in patch 4.2) with a whopping 77,490,000 hp. He can be found in the Molten Front behind the Forlorn Spire. I have indicated where he is located in green on the map below. This is strictly a TAMABLE HUNTER PET. If Deth'tilac is killed all he drops is a Crystalline Tear of Loyalty If your not planning on taming him, don't be a douche. Leave him alone. More importantly, if you play a hunter and you find another hunter kiting Deth'tilac and doing all the work to tame him please don't try and steal the tame. If anything, help out by throwing a couple of extra traps in front of Deth'tilac to help out. I know the saying is trite, but what goes around comes around.  

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lady La-La

Lady La-La is a non-elite hostile level 81 Naga rare spawn with approximately 74k health who spawns in The Clutch in Kelp'Thar Forest in Vashj'ir. The location she spawns at is shown in blue on the map below. She is easy to spot compared to other Naga in the area, as she has a unique model. 

Lady La-La drops Lady La-La's Singing Shell, a bind on equip item level 292 (equipable at level 80) healer trinket. On my server it sells for a couple hundred gold. She also drops around 20 gold, and for leveling characters I'm sure killing her yields a hefty amount of experience.

Poseidus - Reins of Poseidus

Poseidus is a highly sought after hostile level 81 rare seahorse with approximately 55.8k health who spawns in the under water zone Vashj'ir. He has four different spawn points in the Shimmering Expanse (they are shown in orange on the second map below). He also has one spawn point in the Abyssal Depths in the southern end of Underlight Canyon (that is where I found him).

Poseidus has a 100% chance to drop Reins of Poseidus
, which is a bind on use seahorse mount that can be summoned anywhere in game under water. I have seen very few of these on the Auction House on my server. The few I have seen have generally be listed for about 100,000 gold. He also drops a hefty amount of gold, when I killed him he dropped around 99gold. He also tends to be very generous with other loot, often dropping item level 359 bind on equip gear and pricey formulas and designs. (When I killed him he dropped Blockade's Lost Shield and Formula: Enchant Bracer - Major Strength.) 

Subdued Seahorse - Learned from Reins of Poseidus
Nobody (other than Blizzard) knows the exact spawn timer that Poseidus is on, but from information I've gathered its a pretty long one. It is probably as least 72 hours, making this mount very rare indeed.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Karoma is a level 85 hostile rare spawn with approximately 116k health that can be found in several different locations in the Twilight Highlands. The areas he can be found at are located in pink on the map below.

Karoma is strictly a tamable HUNTER PET. If killed all he drops is a Crystalline Tear of Loyalty Non-hunters please leave him alone so that he can be tamed.

Olm the Wise

Olm the Wise is a level 48 non-aggressive rare owl (bird of prey) that can be found in the northern part of Felwood. I have indicated where he can be found and where I found him in red on the map below. He is especially desirable as a hunter pet as he has a unique transparent skin. He looks like he could be a spirit beast, but isn't. He is tamable by all hunters in any spec, and is a cunning pet.

Olm the Wise seems to have at least a couple of spawn points, I found him in the northern one. 


Golgarok is a non-elite hostile level 83 HUGE elemental rare spawn with approximately 134k health who spawns in the Quaking Fields in the most south western part of Deepholm. The location he can be found at is shown in green on the map below. He is easy to spot compared to the other giants in the area because he has a pinkish coloring.

Golgarok drops Golgarok's Tenderized Treads, which are bind on equip item level 333 cloth boots. On my server they sell for approximately 400 gold. He also drops around 20 gold, and I imagine for leveling characters killing him yields a hefty amount of experience. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Anthriss is a level 85 rare spawn (added in patch 4.2) with approx 310k hp. He can be found in the Molten Front in the north east corner of the Magma Springs. Unfortunately he spawns in a very high traffic area so he is usually tamed or killed very shorty after he spawns. I have indicated where he is located on the map below.  
This is strictly a TAMABLE HUNTER PET. If Anthriss is killed all he drops is a Crystalline Tear of Loyalty If your not planning on taming him, don't be a douche. Leave him alone. 
Anthriss is not a hard spider to tame, so long as you understand how to do it. When you try to tame him he will shoot his Searing Webs at you which will decrease your movement speed by 60% and will kill you after a few short ticks. The only way to remove his searing web is to submerge in lava. You need to be swimming in lava for the buff to be removed. The pool directly in front of him is too shallow to submerge in. The pool just south of it works fine. I have indicated the pool he should be tamed in on the map below and in the screenshot just below it.


Gondria is a level 77 non-hostile rare spawn with approximately 17k hp. She can be found in Zul'Drak in several different locations which are indicated in blue on the map below. There are three other rare spawns in this zone as well and those are Zul'drak Sentinel, Griegen and Terror Spinner (tamable spider).   

This npc is not part of any Northrend achievements. She drops Gondria's Spectral Claw which is a level 77 bind on equip ring item with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, she also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements.

Gondria is a tamable hunter pet. Please note that because she is a hunter pet that even though you may not have seen her before in Zul'Drak it doesn't mean that she isn't already cached by NPCScan. If a hunter has this tamed pet out near you, your NPCScan will cache it. If it is cached in NPCScan and this rare is up your alert will not go off. Be sure to check and clear your cache often!

Friday, July 22, 2011


Skitterflame is a level 85 rare spawn (added in patch 4.2) with approx 347.5k hp. He can be found in the Molten Front on the south west side of Fireplume Peak hiding in a lava pool. I have indicated where he is located on the map below. I have seen him there 3 or 4 times so far so I'm not really sure if he can be found elsewhere on the Peak. When not engaged he kind of just waits there chillin' in the lava.
This is strictly a TAMABLE HUNTER PET. If Skitterflame is killed all he drops is a Crystalline Tear of Loyalty If your not planning on taming him, don't be a douche. Leave him alone. 
I have seen quite a few people try to tame Skitterflame now and fail. Most likely because they didn't understand the mechanics of the tame. Like Solix, Skitterflame has energy. When his energy runs out he dies.
At the beginning of the fight Skitterflame has 2 buffs. They are:
Superheated: Too hot to safely tame.       
  • Burning Frenzy: Damage increased based on current energy. If energy reaches zero, creature dies.


Karkin is a very unique level 85 rare spawn (crab) added in patch 4.2 with approximately 155k health. He is strictly a tamable HUNTER PET. If killed all he drops is Crystalline Tear of Loyalty Karkin is found in the Molten Front on a floating rock east of Fireplume Peak. (I added a yellow mark to the map below where I recorded the video of him being tamed.) 
You do not need to be BM spec to tame him, and it's actually best to spec MM for the tame (for silencing shot). You can get to him and tame him without having done any of the quests in the Molten Front. Also, you need to be careful when taming him. Like Skarr, Karkin spams a fireball that stacks a haste buff on himself with each one that he casts, which can become lethal very quickly. 
From what I've experienced the best way to tame him is to hit him with Silencing Shot when he starts to cast Fieroclast Barrage (5 second cast) which will interrupt your tame and deal quite a hefty amount of damage. Stack up on as much haste as possible and use haste food and pop a haste potion right before starting the tame. You'll definitely eat a couple of fire balls, but with a quick enough tame it shouldn't be enough to kill you.


Nuramoc is a level 70 rare spawn chimaera with approximately 14k hp. He can be found in Netherstorm in several different locations which are indicated on the map below in green. He shouldn't be too difficult to hunt down any more as there aren't really many people questing through Netherstorm these days. 
Nuramoc is part of the Medium Rare and Bloody Rare achievements. He drops four different items which are all level 68 bind on equip pants (of all armor types) with a random enchant.


Ashtail is a level 16 non-aggressive rare fox that can be found south of Mo'Grosh Stronghold and among the Hill Foxes in Loch Modan . He is especially desirable as a hunter pet as he has a unique bluish-grey skin.

Ashtail always spawns in the same location and that is approximately 75.2, 43.6. If you don't use coordinates I have marked it on the map below with a red dot. I also have his patrol area colored in yellow.

Ashtail is one of 5 rare tamable hunter pets in this zone. All of them are:
Ashtail, level 16 bluish-grey fox
Gosh-Haldir, level 15 green crocolisk
Lord Condar, level 17 white condor
Nix, level 17 yellow firefly
Shanda the Spinner, level 18 grey tarantula

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Seething Hate

Seething Hate is a hostile (obviously, judging by his name) level 73 rare elite with approximately 15k health. He can be found in Grizzly Hills just south of the Blue Sky Logging Grounds in three different locations which are indicated in orange below. He is also one of four rare spawns in the zone. The others are Arcturis (Spirit Bear), Grocklar and Syreian the Bonecarver.

This npc is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements. He drops Ichor-Stained Wraps which are level 72 bind on equip cloth bracers with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements.


Griegen is a level 75 rare elite spawn with approximately 16k health. He can be found on the western side of Zul'Drak in several different locations which are indicated in orange below. Griegen is one of four rare spawns  in Zul'Drak. The other three are Zul'Drak Sentinel, Gondria and Terror Spinner.   

This npc is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements. He drops Ethereal Terror Handwraps which are level 74 bind on equip leather gloves with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Aotona is a level 75 rare spawn with approximately 16k health. He is basically a giant version of the Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw) non-combat pat. He can be found in the middle of Sholazar Basin in several different locations in the forest above and around River's Heart. These locations are indicated in blue below. He is one of three rare spawns located in this zone, all of which are unique tamable hunter pets. The other two are King Krush (green Devilsaur) and Loque'nahak (spirit cat).  

This npc is (unfortunately for hunters) part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements. He drops Aotona's Collar which is a level 74 bind on equip plate wrist item with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements.

Aotona is also a tamable hunter pet, (in the Bird of Prey family). Please note that because he is also a hunter pet that even though you may not have seen Aotona in Sholazar Basin before, it doesn't mean that he isn't already cached by NPCScan. If a hunter has this tamed pet out near you, your NPCScan will cache it. If it is cached in NPCScan and this rare is up your alert will not go off. Be sure to check and clear your cache often!


Terborus is a non-elite hostile level 83 Gyreworm rare spawn with approximately 80.5k health who spawns in the Scoured Reach just outside of the Crumbling Depths and south of Therazane's Throne in Deepholm. The location he spawns at is shown in pink on the map below. He is easy to spot compared to other gyreworms in the area, as he is quite large and yellowish in color.

Terborus drops Terborus's Rotating Bands, a nice bind on equip item level 346 dps plate wrist item. On my server it sells for approximately 1500 gold. He also drops around 20 gold, and for leveling characters killing him yields a hefty amount of experience. My rested level 84 hunter got 134,174 xp (rested) for killing him. 


Ban'thalos is a non-aggressive rare spawn with approximately 387k health (added in patch 4.2) and is located in Mount Hyjal. He can be found circling high above the Sanctuary of Malorne. I have highlighted the area he is found in purple on the map below. I believe that his spawn timer is somewhere between 6 and 17 hours.  You also need to have completed enough quests in Mount Hyjal to have unlocked the daily quests at The Sanctuary of Malorne to be able to see Ban'thalos. The final quest before unlocking the dailies is Aessina's Miracle
This is strictly a TAMABLE HUNTER PET. If Ban'Thalos is killed all he drops is a Crystalline Tear of Loyalty If your not planning on taming him, don't be a douche. Leave him alone. 

Ban'thalos is a spirit beast. He can only be tamed by hunters that have the top-tier talent from the Beast Mastery tree Exotic Beasts which allows the taming of exotic pets.

The NPCScan id for Ban'thalos is 54320.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Solix is a level 85 rare spawn (added in patch 4.2) with a whopping 999k hp. He can be found in the Molten Front in the Igneous Depths (cave area) hiding in a lava pool. I have indicated where he is located in light green on the map below. This is strictly a TAMABLE HUNTER PET. If Solix is killed all he drops is a Crystalline Tear of Loyalty If your not planning on taming him, don't be a douche. Leave him alone. 

I have seen a few people try to tame Solix now and fail miserably. They were generally confused as to why he just fell over dead when he had about 90% health. This is because Solix has energy, when his energy runs out he dies.
At the beginning of the fight Solix has 2 buffs. They are:

  • Flashfire: Attack Speed Increased by 1000% & Movement Speed Increased by 100%
  • Blazing Speed: Too fast to Tame
For this tame you are going to need to kite, lots and lots of kiting. All the while watch his energy bar very closely. If it gets too low and especially if it runs out, he will die.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Perobas the Bloodthirster

Perobas the Bloodthirster is a level 71 rare worgen (the cool-looking model, not the ones you can play) with approximately 14k health. He can be found in northeastern Howling Fjord in a few different locations which are indicated in green below. He is one of three rares located in this zone. The other two are Vigdis the War Maiden and King Pin

Perobas is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements. He drops Worgen-Scored Shackles which is a level 70 bind on equip mail wrist piece with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Icehorn is a level 71 rare rhino with approximately 14k health. He can be found on the western side of the Borean Tundra in three different locations which are indicated in green below. He is also one of three rare spawns in the zone, the other two are Old Crystalbark and Fumblub Gearwind

This npc is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements. He drops Mammoth-Hair Crown which is a level 70 bind on equip cloth head item with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements.

Icehorn is also a tamable hunter pet. Please note that because it is also a hunter pet that even though you may not have seen Icehorn before, it doesn't mean that he isn't already cached by NPCScan. If a hunter has this tamed pet out near you, your NPCScan will cache it. If it is cached in NPCScan and this rare is up your alert will not go off. Be sure to check and clear your cache often!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Kirix is a level 85 rare spawn (added in patch 4.2) with a whopping 999k hp. He can be found in the Molten Front south of Fireplume Peak running back and forth at an incredibly fast speed in the patrol area which I have indicated in blue on the map below. This is strictly a TAMABLE HUNTER PET. While waiting for a hunter to come by and tame him after he spawned I probably watched north of 10 people get 2 shotted by him who either thought they were incredibly uber or just didn't know what they were up against.

Kirix is incredibly dangerous. He has several abilities which can and will kill anything in melee range. He has an aura around him called Suffocating Prey which not only silences, but it reduces healing by 99%. He also has an ability called Magmatoxin which deals approximately 25k damage every second and stuns. There are a couple of different ways that he can be tamed. 

I have seen him tamed twice now with the rock method. There are several rocks floating in space just north of where Kirix patrols. The solitary rock furthest to the left (if you are looking at it from where Kirix pats) is the one that you need to be on. You will need to jump down onto it from Fireplume Peak with the extra jump buff. Once on the rock, when Kirix runs by pop any haste pots that you have, hit Deterrence and immediately begin to tame. It may take a couple of attempts, but I've seen this method work successfully several times so it is quite possible and probably the least painful. 


Skarr is a gorgeous level 85 rare spawn (cat) added in patch 4.2 with approximately 155k health. He is strictly a tamable HUNTER PET. If killed all he drops is Crystalline Tear of Loyalty Skarr is found in the Molten Front on the floating rocks around Fireplume Peak. (I added a yellow mark to the map below where I recorded the video of him being tamed.) He can also be found on the floating rocks south of Fireplume Peak as well which you can see in the screen shot below. He shares the same model as Soo-holu which is a player-controlled vehicle for an Oracle quest in Sholazar Basin and Blackmaw in Storm Peaks.

Friday, July 8, 2011

King Pin

King Pin is a level 71 rare elite big ass penguin with approximately 14k health. He can be found on the two islands in southwestern Howling Fjord in several different locations which are indicated in red below. He is one of three rares located in this zone. The other two are Vigdis the War Maiden and Perobas the Bloodthirster

This npc is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements. He drops Egg-Warming Blanket which is a level 70 bind on equip cloth chest piece with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements.


Ankha is a rare spawn with approximately 232k health (added in patch 4.2) and is located in Mount Hyjal in The Regrowth. I have highlighted the area she patrols in purple on the map below. Ankha shares a spawn timer with Magria who is a very similar looking spirit beast. Their spawn timer is somewhere between 6 and 17 hours. The NPCScan id for her is 54318, you will need to add it to NPCScan in order for it to find her. You also need to have completed enough quests in Mount Hyjal to have unlocked the daily quests at The Sanctuary of Malorne to be able to see Ankha and Magria. The final quest before unlocking the dailies is Aessina's Miracle

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Ghostcrawler is a level 85 rare spawn with approximately 1.5 Million health located in the Abyssal Depths in Vash'jir south of L'ghorek. He is a neutral mob and he has a very large patrol area as you can see from the map below in blue.

Ghostcrawler is a tribute to Greg Street aka "Ghostcrawler," the Lead Systems Designer for World of Warcraft. The mob's Nerfbat ability (which has the tool-tip "an unfair attack that reduces all skills." and debuff which "Nerfs all skills "To the ground!"") is also a tribute to him. During an interview a couple of years back Greg was asked if Ret paladins would be nerfed and his response was "TO THE GROUND BABY."

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Vyragosa is a level 80 rare dragon found in the Storm Peaks in Northrend. Vyragosa has four separate flight paths which are shared with the Time-Lost Proto Drake. The flight paths Vyragosa can take are shown in four separate colors on the map below along with her spawn locations. Vyragosa has 18,900 hp. This npc is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements. Vyragosa drops Azure Dragonleather Helm which is a level 78 bind on equip helm with a random enchantment. Like other Northrend rares, Vyragosa also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements. 

Most people usually find Vyragosa while looking for the Time-Lost Proto Drake because they share a spawn timer and flight paths meaning that the two can never be up at the same time. Vyragosa is also much more likely spawn than the Time-Lost Proto Drake. 


Skoll is a level 80 non-hostile rare mob with 18,900 health. He can be found in the Storm Peaks in several different locations which are indicated in blue below. This npc is not part of any achievements (most likely because he is a tamable hunter pet). He drops Skoll's Fang which is a level 78 bind on equip main hand dagger item with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements.

Skoll is a tamable hunter pet. Please note that because he is a hunter pet that even though you may not have seen Skoll before in Storm Peaks it doesn't mean that he isn't already cached by NPCScan. If a hunter has this tamed pet out near you, your NPCScan will cache it. If it is cached in NPCScan and this rare is up your alert will not go off. Be sure to check and clear your cache often!