Ban'thalos is a non-aggressive rare spawn with approximately 387k health (added in patch 4.2) and is located in Mount Hyjal. He can be found circling high above the Sanctuary of Malorne. I have highlighted the area he is found in purple on the map below. I believe that his spawn timer is somewhere between 6 and 17 hours. You also need to have completed enough quests in Mount Hyjal to have unlocked the daily quests at The Sanctuary of Malorne to be able to see Ban'thalos. The final quest before unlocking the dailies is Aessina's Miracle
This is strictly a TAMABLE HUNTER PET. If Ban'Thalos is killed all he drops is a Crystalline Tear of Loyalty If your not planning on taming him, don't be a douche. Leave him alone.
Ban'thalos is a spirit beast. He can only be tamed by hunters that have the top-tier talent from the Beast Mastery tree Exotic Beasts which allows the taming of exotic pets.
The NPCScan id for Ban'thalos is 54320.
There are a few different factors that make the Ban'thalos tame particularly challenging. One of them is the height that he flies at. As you can see in the video below, he flies VERY high up. There is no way to attract his attention and tame him from the ground. Another thing that makes this tame tough is the area that he spawns and pats in. Ban'thalos flies directly over a daily quest hub. When he spawns in a LOT of people are going to notice him. Lets face it, when people see rares up they get some kind of crazy blood lust and just have to kill whatever it is. If he doesn't get tamed right away chances are unfortunately he will end up dead.
I've seen several people tame him successfully on the top of the highest tree behind the Sancturay of Malorne. (The easiest way to get in top of the tree is to zoom your camera all the way in and point it straight down.) The trick is to put a freezing trap down, then fly up directly above the tree and tag him when he flies close enough. You should then fall back down on top of the tree without taking any falling damage, hit deterrence and begin your tame the moment you land. Below I have a video of a flawless tame using this exact method. Grats Veranic!
Another taming method is to use some sort of slow-fall and does not require standing at the top of the tree. Dismount in the air, hit him with anything, use your slow fall device, then freezing trap, deterrence, tame. Engineer's can use their parachute cloaks for the slow fall. Non-engineers have several options as well. Evonice's Landin' Pilla is a trinket that will slow your fall speed for 10 seconds and can easily be obtained from a quest in Searing Gorge called "Look at the Size of It!." If you are revered with the Sha'tari Skyguard, they also offer cloaks that will slow your fall speed for 10 seconds. Using a bunch of Noggenfogger Elixir Elixir's to try and get the slowing effect as well is an option, but I would only use that as a last resort as that working depends largely on luck.
I'd also like to point out that using Disengage right before hitting the ground seems to mitigate a lot of damage for either method.
Also, for your viewing pleasure in the video below you can see where he patrols and watch a frenzy of hunters attempting to tame him. When the poor hunter in the tree failed, another hunter pulled him from the mountainside and was successful in taming with the help of a second hunter.
New 4.2 Hunter Taming Challenge Rares:
- Ankha, Spirit Beast Cat (Mount Hyjal)
- Ban'Thalos, Spirit Beast Owl (Mount Hyjal)
- Magria, Blue Spirit Beast Cat (Mount Hyjal)
- Anthriss, Yellow Lava Spider (Molten Front)
- Deth'tilac, Purple Lava Spider (Molten Front)
- Kirix, Green Lava Spider (Molten Front)
- Skitterflame, Red Lava Spider (Molten Front)
- Solix, Orange Lava Spider (Molten Front)
- Skarr, Black Metallic Cat (Molten Front)
- Karkin, Metallic Crab (Molten Front)
I stood on the ring around the sanctuary, the elevated one. When he came around close, dropped my trap and flew up just high enough to pop him with tranq shot. You land with not a lot of health but if you have a health pot handy just pop it and hopefully he gets in your trap. Tame and be a very happy hunter!
ReplyDeleteYou are awesome, just got my this guy tonight, that makes 4 in 48hrs, all thanks to you. I probably never would have gone after them had you not made such a great guide to follow, thanks, twixbar on kilrogg
ReplyDeleteGrats on your new pets Twixbar!! Glad I was able to help you out! ^-^
Deletewhats the best way to camp this? i have addons. Can i just stay in the middle and hope my addon catchs him?
ReplyDeleteHe is very visible, so even if your NPC doesn't alert you, you can see him. He killed me 3 times before I tamed him today. Plus traps don't last a long time on him either, he also has some sort of Moonfire ability that he will use on you and it will hit hard. I tamed him on top of the tree, set a trap, hit him and used deterrance, hit tame. I also had the help of a rouge that he focused on(that I used mis-direct on) instead of me. Hit him with a trap again and got him. I think I was left with about 10% HP when I got him.
ReplyDeletedo you got to have the quest done to really get him tame or to show up
ReplyDeleteyou can't see him if you haven't done the quest, i saw him today with my priest (needed to be there for world tree tokens to get the patern for the big gem bag). reloged my hunter couln't see him thought someone else had killed or tamed him, so i reloged again and he was still there (it was pretty early and my server is pretty quiet) helped some other hunter to get him. Because i'm just that nice :P.
DeleteI have a new method I wanted 2 share with u I flew up and used arcane shot then used disengage at the water(died about 5 times) before it actually worked but it helps if u fall straight into the water PS make sure u use a ability like arcane or something 2 grab his attention cause I've noticed auto attacks don't help if u fall out of range
ReplyDeleteGot him today. I died 2 times, i just landed on the head of malorn and tamed it just in time befor i got killed xd