Magria is a rare spirit beast cat with approximately 232k health and is located in Mount Hyjal in The Regrowth. She is one of 10 new rares put in place as a challenge for hunters to tame in patch 4.2. (Full list at bottom of page)
I have highlighted the area she patrols in purple on the map below. Magria shares a spawn timer with Ankha who is a very similar looking spirit beast. (Magria has a very pretty blue hue.) Their spawn timer is somewhere between 6 and 17 hours. The NPCScan id for her is 54319, you will need to add it to NPCScan in order for it to find her. You also need to have completed enough quests in Mount Hyjal to have unlocked the daily quests at The Sanctuary of Malorne to be able to see Ankha and Magria. The final quest before unlocking the dailies is Aessina's Miracle
Magria is a tamable hunter pet. (Non-hunters, don't even attempt her. Not only does she not drop any loot, she'll also kick your ass AND you shouldn't be trying to kill these hunter pets anyway.) A very important thing to note before attempting to tame her is her Metal Cleaver ability. This ability allows Magria to deal additional damage to armored targets. The more armor you have on, the harder she will hit. As you can see in the video below my character is completely naked. (Yes I do have on a hat, but it's the Pilgrim's Hat so that I could tame in style.) The best way to make sure you can quickly take off all of your gear and tag her before someone else is to use the equipment manager to make a "naked" set with absolutely no gear. You can leave on things like tabard, shirt, rings, weapon etc. so long as your armor rating is 0. When she appears switch to the "naked" set, make sure you tag her and tame away!
Please note that because Magria is a spirit beast, she can only be tamed by hunters that have the top-tier talent from the Beast Mastery tree Exotic Beasts which allows the taming of exotic pets.
In my excitement, when Magria spawned I missed the first couple of seconds of her leaving her spawn point. In the video below though you can see her running out from behind the trees right next to where she spawns.
I have circled the place where I watched her spawn in on the screenshot below.
New 4.2 Hunter Taming Challenge Rares:
- Ankha, Spirit Beast Cat (Mount Hyjal)
- Ban'Thalos, Spirit Beast Owl (Mount Hyjal)
- Magria, Blue Spirit Beast Cat (Mount Hyjal)
- Anthriss, Yellow Lava Spider (Molten Front)
- Deth'tilac, Purple Lava Spider (Molten Front)
- Kirix, Green Lava Spider (Molten Front)
- Skitterflame, Red Lava Spider (Molten Front)
- Solix, Orange Lava Spider (Molten Front)
- Skarr, Black Metallic Cat (Molten Front)
- Karkin, Metallic Crab (Molten Front)
Congrats on the tame it was fun to watch from my makeshift tree stand haha.
ReplyDeleteHaha thanks Brother! Congats to you as well! She sure is one beautiful kitty! =)
ReplyDeleteJust hang in there, you'll get Ban'thalos one day.
Pun totally intended there.
Longed on for my third day camping, with a busy schedule, and there the cat was. Had to fly to location that surrounding mobs wouldn't attack me. Be naked and be smart. I am now using your guide for TLPD. Yes, I do use NPCScan.
ReplyDeleteAwesome guide, reading this is by far the best help ive read. After reading it yesterday i was able to get ankha and karoma, and magria this moring. Your the best, keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliment, and congrats on all of your rare finds! Sounds like you've had a lucky day! ^-^
Delete1 question im hunter at 85 with beast mastery will i have to do quest to able catch Magria
DeleteYou will have to have done as far as Aessina's Miracle. (See post for link)
DeleteThanks for all tips and informations i got both on same day Magria and Ankha. :o)
ReplyDeletei had a epic fail trying to tame her, i forgot to take of my gear and got killed about three times, fourth time i had some one try to help me and a guy flying above me shouting instructions, oh the shame, i failed again because i panic, face palm, now read your guide and will be ready the next time ;/
ReplyDeletei just got her.. tame her naked take off all ur gear and u can get her
ReplyDeleteive been camping for around 3 days with no sign of either, has their spawn time changed?
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know they haven't. Have you been camping three days straight or on and off?
Deletethe exact spawn point for both of these lovely cats is the rock behind the tree i made sure of this several times after i tamed them
ReplyDeleteOk, I though I would share some info that I know about both Ankha and Magria. Their spawn timer is between 6-17 hours, kind of like the lava spiders. They patrol the regrowth area and if you have track beasts on, their dot is yellow so it'll be easy to locate them. Like Karkin and Skarr, it is a 50% chance of either one showing up. Although, some people say Ankha is more likely to show than Magria. This could be true, but I believe it is 50-50 for each cat. They spawn in the trees, north of the Molten Front portal. Another thing to note is that these cats spawn where some of the dailies from the Sanctuary of Malorne take place, so they'll be seen. Just like how Ban'thalos is over the Sanctuary. If you want to be all prepared, make an equipment set to take all of your gear off. When I tamed Ankha, I wore Burgy Blackheart's Hat, and I still didn't die and had no armor rating. Another thing I would also like to say is that, there are a certain amount of rares that can be up at one time. So, if in the molten front if all of the spiders are up as well as Skarr/Karkin, Magria nor Ankha will have a good chance of showing up. They could be on there timer still, or the fact that too many rares are up for one to show up. But, this last statement about the rares are all my opinion and yours can always be different. I am not 100% sure, but if you have another reason how all the spiders Skarr/Karkin AND Magria/Ankha, and maybe Ban'thalos, please reply and tell me.
ReplyDeleteNidhoggr - Madoran.
(Look me up in the armory!)
I caught Magria moments after getting Skarr. It's an easy tame, just get naked. Tamed on Medivh, today, 9:45 AM.