List of Rares by Zone

Eastern Kingdoms
(25-30) Arathi Highlands
(44-48) Badlands
(50-60) Blackrock Mountain
(55-60) Blasted Lands
(49-52) Burning Steppes
(30-35) Cape of Stranglethorn
(1-10)   Dun Morogh
(20-25) Duskwood
(40-45) Eastern Plaguelands
(1-10)   Elwynn Forest
(1-10)   Eversong Woods
(10-20) Ghostlands
(20-25) Hillsbrad Foothills
(30-35) Hinterlands
(10-20) Loch Modan
(25-30) Northern Stranglethorn Vale
(47-51) Searing Gorge
(10-20) Silverpine Forest
(1-90)   Stormwind City
(51-55) Swamp of Sorrows
(1-10)   Tirisfal Glades
(35-40) Western Plaguelands
(10-15) Westfall
(20-25) Wetlands

(20-25) Ashenvale
(10-20) Azshara
(1-10)   Azuremyst Isle
(10-20) Darkshore
(30-40) Desolace
(1-10)   Durotar
(35-40) Dustwallow Marsh
(45-50) Felwood
(35-40) Feralas
(1-10)   Mulgore
(10-20) Northern Barrens
(55-60) Silithus
(30-35) Southern Barrens
(25-30) Stonetalon Mountains
(45-50) Tanaris
(1-10)   Teldrassil
(40-45) Thousand Needles
(50-55) Un'Goro Crater
(50-55) Winterspring

(65-70) Blade's Edge Mountains
(58-70) Hellfire Peninsula
(64-70) Nagrand
(66-70) Netherstorm
(67-70) Shadowmoon Valley
(62-70) Terokkar Forest
(60-63) Zangarmarsh 

(70-72) Borean Tundra
(71-80) Dragonblight
(73-75) Grizzly Hills
(68-72) Howling Fjord
(77-80) Icecrown
(75-80) Sholazar Basin
(77-80) Storm Peaks
(73-77) Zul'Drak

Cataclysm Zones
(82-83) Deepholm
(85)      Molten Front
(80-82) Mount Hyjal
(84-85) Twilight Highlands
(83-84) Uldum
(80-82) Vashj'ir

(89-90) Dread Wastes
(90)      Isle of Giants
(90)      Isle of Thunder
(85-87) Jade Forest
(86-90) Krasarang Wilds
(87-89) Kun-Lai Summit
(88-89) Townlong Steppes
(90)      Vale of Eternal Blossoms
(86-88) Valley of the Four Winds

Full Continent of Pandaria Map: Rare Pandarian Champions by Type

Timeless Isle
(90)      Timeless Isle

Darkmoon Island
(1-90)   Darkmoon Faire

Voidtalon of the Dark Star & Edge of Reality Spawn Locations
New Rares in Nagrand and Tannan Jungle
Yay mounts! The Seven Mount Dropping Rares of Draenor
(The links below will take you directly to the Wowhead Guides for each zone)
(90-93)   Rares and Treasures in Frostfire Ridge
(90-93)   Rares and Treasures in Shadowmoon Valley
(92-94)   Rares and Treasures in Gorgrond
(94-96)   Rares and Treasures in Talador
(96-98)   Rares and Exploration in Spires of Arak
(98-100) Nagrand
(100)      Vignettes of Tanaan Jungle

 The Broken Isles (Level 100 - 110) NEW (Legion)
Bulvinkel - Spirit Moose (Stormheim)
How to get the Fathom Dweller Mount & Hungering Claw Pet
How to get the Long-Forgotten Hippogryph Mount (Azsuna)