Loque'nahak is a beautiful unique-skinned level 76 non-hostile rare Spirit Leopard with approximately 16.5k hp. He can be found in Sholazar basin in seven different locations which are indicated in green on the map below. He is one of three rare spawns located in this zone, all of which are unique tamable hunter pets. The other two rares are King Krush (green Devilsaur) and Aotona (blue & purple parrot).
Unfortunately for all of the hunters out there looking to tame him, he is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements so people will be hunting him down intent on killing him. He drops Loque'Nahak's Severed Fang which is a level 74 bind on equip neck item with a random enchant. He can also drop Loque'Nahak's Pelt which is a level 74 bind on equip cloak. The cloak can also be skinned from his corpse, so it is possible to see two of these cloaks off of one kill. Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements.
Loque'nahak is a tamable hunter pet. Please note that because he is a hunter pet that even though you may not have seen him before in Sholazar Basin it doesn't mean that he isn't already cached by NPCScan. If a hunter has this tamed pet out near you, your NPCScan will cache it. If it is cached in NPCScan and this rare is up your alert will not go off. Be sure to check and clear your cache often!
Loque'nahak is a spirit beast, he can only be tamed by hunters that have the top-tier talent from the Beast Mastery tree Exotic Beasts which allows the taming of exotic pets.
Loque'nahak doesn't really have any special abilities to note when fighting or taming him. I do recommend leaving him alone so that hunters can tame him unless of course you need him for the achievement. When tamed his special ability is Roar of Courage, exotic ability is Spirit Mend and his bonus ability is Spirit Walk
Generally once tamed or killed you can expect to not see Loque'nahak spawn again for at least 6 hours.
I really REALLY want this one for my worgen hunter <3 Can't wait to hit 76 and start looking for it
ReplyDeleteI have caught him on my worgen hunter. took me at least 3 or 4 months to find him. Pain in the butt to find, but so worth it.
ReplyDeleteGrats! I agree he is totally worth it. Definitely a pet that stands out that's for sure!
Deletei got him in 3 hours .....
ReplyDeletei tried to tame him.....and somoen killed him...right in front of me...
ReplyDeleteits funny... i've always wanted this pet, and i logged on one morning and thought "i got nothing better to do" so i looked for him and found him in the first 5 minutes. i say i got really lucky. :) im still happy that i have him. :D
ReplyDeleteLooove this cat.
ReplyDeleteTook me two looks through the area one at night and then again first thing the next morning sure enough my scanner went off as soon as I spawned in the area. (nearly had a heart attack the volume was up way to loud haha)
Good score 30 seconds in.
I love his look but I can't stand having to fly around over and over again looking 4 the right spot he is at.
ReplyDeleteI was about to get him. I also had a heart attack then I saw a DK kill it. I had a meltdown :(
ReplyDeleteÁthan [Draenor]
I got him aswell, very quick but i dont know what happend but I lost him through spec changing :( looking for him again tho..
ReplyDeletei found him twice today and one a undead got him and then my pet killed him cause i forgot to dismiss omg so mad
ReplyDeleteJust got my Loque - so excited! The worst thing is my husband doesn't play WoW any more and none of my friends ever really did... so no one to share my excitement. So I'm posting here.
ReplyDeletei have a question. i killed loque accidentally and now the npc scan won't show his spawn points. how do i get back the green markers back on my map? i kept deleting the cache but it still won't show
ReplyDeletetry deleting it from Programx86/wow/interface/addons and put the file back in
DeleteDay three no luck... no body no nothing other hunters and people aren't very curtious. people never respond about sightings or if they killed or tamed her ive spent the last 18 hours in SB flying around for Her (yes loque'nahak is a girl FYI) and ive only seen KK twice.... made my heart stop when SilverDragon add on spammed its sounds... if possible I WILL Necro this thread just to try to get other people to post where and when(exact REALM time) they tamed or killed her or sighted her.
ReplyDeletePwnicidal is my hunters name PST me with info if you see her
Loque is a male, and is the "Mate of Har'koa" (a female). Source: wowpedia
DeleteGood luck to you, I hope your luck changes. He's such a gorgeous skin. :)
Got him today (alsow got gondria the same day), i said to my sis transfer me to an other realm by inv to your realm, she did it and loque'nahak was there in front of me! I was thinking ooh this is a good way to get rares, but after looking i diden't transfer my sis did xd it just spawnd in front of me so damn lucky!!! Got him the day i started looking for him :)
ReplyDeleteI got him a couple days ago. I'd almost completely given up, and when I logged in, and he was right next to me! :D I was so happy. Thank you so much for this guide. It helped me so much in acquiring all of the spirit beasts and most of the unique rares. :)
ReplyDeletewhear i find him ?
ReplyDeleteThis is the bane of my existences
ReplyDeleteI found him after 15 minutes.