Friday, July 22, 2011


Nuramoc is a level 70 rare spawn chimaera with approximately 14k hp. He can be found in Netherstorm in several different locations which are indicated on the map below in green. He shouldn't be too difficult to hunt down any more as there aren't really many people questing through Netherstorm these days. 
Nuramoc is part of the Medium Rare and Bloody Rare achievements. He drops four different items which are all level 68 bind on equip pants (of all armor types) with a random enchant.

Nuramoc is also a tamable hunter pet in the Chimaera family of exotic cunning pets ans he has a totally unique skin. There are also two other rare chimaeras in the game with unique skins and those are The Razza (Feralas) and The Evalcharr (Azshara).  

You will have to be BM spec to tame this guy. When tamed he has a couple of special abilities Frost Breath, and Froststorm Breath (his exotic ability) which you can see him using in the screen shot below.

Also, hes totally a flying purple people eater.


  1. Wen is the last time somone seen this pet casue im there where its spawns and nothing and people saud they never seen it. Is this updated. Just wondering....

    1. you've got to be patient, these guys have fairly long spawn timers. also with the addition of cross-realm zones they'll probably seem even more rare because of the added competition.

  2. It's just very rare. I saw it 7 tried 2 tame it when I wad lvl 69 but it said i'm 2 low of a level 2 tame him so just be over lvl 70 if u wanna tame him & of course be under the Beast mastery spec. I'm gonna try to find it again!

  3. I was in the area when a guild member spotted him, I told him I wanted to check him out but unforunately he killed him with one shot....sigh This was the first time either of us had seen this spawn in 5 years of playing =(

    1. You can always check Winterspring to see if Norissis is up. Although not Nuromoc, if you were looking for this skin to tame they look identical.

  4. it has a 24 hour respawn, ive been camping it for 11 hours straight without any luck, so its probably the most rare exotic pet to find.

  5. I guess im a lucky guy.. I found him first time i went to netherstorm, right after i saw this thread. :) Awesome.

  6. Bruhh. Found this shit head, and killed him on accident. Now I have to wait 24 hours >.>

  7. I tried to tame it, but I forgot I already had my pet out and it freaking killed it. I have to wait 24 hours now....

  8. Hey your missing Chief Engineer Lorthander on your list
