Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The 7 Mount Dropping Rares of Draenor

I love camping for rares, this shouldn't be a secret to anyone who has been following this blog for the past few years. I like setting up my characters in a safe cozy spot to wait for a prize that could show up in minutes or even days. I actually enjoy the wait, and I cannot convey just how happy I am that Blizzard has implemented some RARE rares back into the game. That feeling - when your target appears after waiting and waiting for what can sometimes seem like a decade - it just can't be beat.

In MoP the spawn timers on rares were so short they hardly felt 'rare' at all. There wasn't even a real TLPD or Aeonaxx equivalent. Alani was nice as her drop was guaranteed, but I never could find the time to farm for shards (I did still get the mount though - Thank You Reinoverall!) and would have loved to camp for SOMEthing in Pandaria.

In WoD there are dozens of silver dragons called 'vignettes' in each zone. They are actually quite common though - even more so than MoP rares (they even loose their silver dragon portrait after your character has killed a particular one). They do however drop some interesting and unique loot. I straight up did not have the time or energy to find all of them throughout beta and go on to post about them. For anyone interested in learning more about these vignettes, Wowhead has some incredibly in depth articles on them for each zone in Draenor. Notable loot, maps, screenies, they have it all. Here they are by zone:
I did however have time to CAMP! That's right, as soon as I found out that there were going to be RARE mount dropping mobs scattered throughout Draenor, I just knew I had to find out as much as I could about these guys.

Throughout Draenor there are seven, that's right, SEVEN mount-dropping rares. Six of these rares have a 100% chance to drop a mount for anyone who participates in the kill (Source). The seventh drops one mount which will need to be rolled upon. Each of the mounts looks just like the rare which it dropped from.

If/When you come across one of these rares - PLEASE announce it and WAIT for others to join in the kill. These rares truly are 'rare' with lengthy spawn timers. 

In my time on beta I was lucky enough to personally experience six of the seven rares. With help from other campers I was also able to acquire information on the seventh that never showed his ugly face before beta shutdown.

Without further adieu, I will introduce you to each of them, in order my level.

Pathrunner - Drops Swift Breezestrider

Swift Breezestrider Mount
Pathrunner south of Burial Fields
Pathrunner is a level 93 elite non-aggressive talbuk with at least two known spawn points in Shadowmoon Valley. He died VERY quickly by the hands of my premade level 100 beta character. I imagine he will be more difficult for level 90's leveling in the area.

All Pathrunner Spawn Points (map updated 12/2/14)

Gorok - Drops Great Greytusk

Great Greytusk Mount
Gorok, just north of Colossals Fall
Gorok is a level 93 elite non-aggressive boar with 674k hp, and at least one confirmed spawn point in Frostfire Ridge. Like Pathrunner, he was quite easy to kill on a level 100 toon. I imagine level 90's would not have much difficulty soloing him.
All Gorok Spawn points (map updated 12/2/14)

Poundfist - Drops Sunhide Gronnling

Sunhide Gronnling Mount (image courtesy of Wowhead)
Poundfist spawn point at Brimstone Springs (image courtesy of Quivering @ Petopia)
Poundfist is a level 95 elite aggressive gronnling with 1302k hp. I easily spent the most time camping for this one particular mob on beta (I'm talking days and days and DAYS of camping) and never caught even a glimpse of him. I don't know if I just kept missing him, am unlucky or if he just has a looooooooooong spawn timer, but he did NOT want to show his ugly face for me.

He has at least one confirmed spawn point at brimstone Springs in Gorgrond, but there were talks of sightings in the canyon to the north as well.

This will likely be the rare I camp for on live. I LOVE the ridiculous look of this mount and HAVE to have it. When I do finally come across him, I will post my own screenshots here with any updated information. :)
All Poundfist Spawn points (map updated 12/2/14)

Silthide - Drops Sapphire Riverbeast

Sapphire Riverbeast Mount
Silthide in northern pool at Anchorite's Sojourn 
Silthide is a level 97 elite non-aggressive riverbeast with at least two confirmed spawn points in Talador. This is the first rare I came across with a pretty sizable health pool (which I forgot to take a screenshot of, but I assure you it is big). Soloing this beasty at 100 was easy peasy, but took a little time.

Silthide's known spawn points (map updated 12/2/14)

Luk'hok - Drops Mottled Meadowstomper 

There are TWO rares that drop mounts in Nagrand. I included them both on the map further down the page.
Mottled Meadowstomper Mount
Luk'hok is a level 100 elite non-aggressive elekk with 2935k hp. He has at least two confirmed spawn points around Stonecrag Gorge in Nagrand. I witnessed him wandering in a small area just north of the Gorge, not far from the road. He has also been spotted to the east of the Gorge - not far from the goblins there. (Scroll down for map. His spawn points are marked in orange.)
Luk'hok north of Stonecrag Gorge

Nakk the Thunderer - Drops Bloodhoof Bull

Bloodhoof Bull Mount
Nakk the Thunderer
Nakk the Thunderer is a level 100 elite non-aggressive clefthoof with a massive 4892k hp. Of all the rares I came across this one took the longest to kill. With a level 100 character it took me a solid 10 minutes to whittle through his health. As far as I know, he has one confirmed spawn point so far just east of Mok'Gol Watchpost. (His spawn point is marked in red on the map below.)

Nakk the Thunderer & Luk'hok spawn points (map updated 12/2/14)

Nok-Karosh - Drops Garn Nighthowl

I am including Nok-Karosh last because he is unique in that he will NOT drop a mount for all who participate in the kill. Nok-Karosh will drop ONE mount which will need to be rolled upon by the group. Although this mount shows in the database as being bound on pick up, one of the devs at one point said that it would NOT be bound (source), making it tradable and sellable on the auction house. I guess we will find out for sure whe WoD goes live.

Garn Nighthowl Mount (image courtesy of wowmartien)
Nok-Karosh is absolutely no pushover. This big bad wolf is a level 102 elite with a MASSIVE health pool of 10471k. He absolutely cannot be solo'd at this time. Trying to do so will land you a swift death. On beta, large groups of 30 people plus got together to take him down.

Nok-Karosh sleeping with his posse of elite level 100 Garn Nighthowls 
Nok-Karosh spawn points

Once Warlords goes live, I'm sure more information on these guys will start pouring in with so many people running into them on so many servers. I will be updating this page with any new information as I find it.

Happy camping to you all!


  1. I'll be sure to tackle these on live Euphy. I saw one of the time-lost corpses (several times) but never saw a live version of him.

    1. Ugh, that's happened to me once as well. Nothing sadder to find in Storm peaks than that when that's what your looking for. :(

      I'm really REALLY hoping people wait for others on these new ones. It will be nice for everyone to get more chances at these rare mounts. I guess we'll see!

    2. I saw a live version, couldn't target it, lost it to find it about 10 mins later .. deader than a dead dodo, vrery dead

  2. I'll be hunting these bad boys for sure, and thank you for the mention :3 I was happy to help you get Alani :3

    1. I appreciate it, she's so beautiful!!!! <3

    2. Any easy was to get the sky shards ? I've been trying for weeks no luck

  3. I like all of them, but Garn Nighthowl is the best one for me :)

    1. I'll be camping Poundfist till my eyes bleed. I NEED that Gronn mount. ;)

  4. Thanks very much for this! Great info all compacted into easy to read bits! That Gronn mount is awesome, and the second that they released the models I was like "OMG I NEED THAT!"

  5. killed nakk today and he can also spawn just east of ring of blood in the valley

  6. We know something of Poundfist respawn?

  7. Just killed Naak at 4:38 AM Central time on sargeras camped him for 12 1/2 hours before he spawned in a new location right west of throne of the elements directly where the lake meets the water from where the left side of the "throne of the elements label" starts.

    1. OKAY NEW INFO ON SPAWN TIMER FOR NAKK. It may completely be random. It is 5:23 now on Sargeras central time and Nakk has spawned AGAIN. I was looking for Luk, when general chat spammed that it was up so i went to check and saw its dead body with at least 10 people on the mount around it. So it has been just a bit under an hour for the second spawn. The person in my group when we killed it at 4:38 said he had stayed awake for 38 hours camping with no luck and it hadnt spawned until then, and now once again.

  8. Hi, i wanted to let u know that i killed poundfist not at the spot you marked but a litle more higher on the map. i don't remeber the coördinates, but it was on the left side of the Pit, between the flyhtmasters of iron docks and Skysea Point. He was walking between the mountains. The other mobs i saw around where raptors. Hope u guys get him too and that this was helpfull.

    Greetings Karolien.


    Map with updated spawns:

    Map on wowhead:

    11/23/2014 EU Multiple Kills, US confirmed Kills.

    Forums thread:

  10. Was camping pathrunner until someone killed it. At least I know when it's going to spawn next

  11. nice maps thank you, just wonder why u didnt put together those from ridge (or did w nagrand's at all)
    wanna get that grull like the most, just got my first one - talador, spawned at the most upper location
    anyway, it just looks way to much similar to those form warbringers + the most epix cute head

  12. been camping for Gorok for a few hours and it popped up on Anvilmar 5:27 pm 63.99, 53.13 -sadly ppl started attacking him and left me summoning by myself - I tagged him just right before he died...I <3 your website, its a great help for me
