Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Old Crystalbark

Old Crystalbark is a hostile level 71-72 rare tree giant with approximately 14 -14.5k health. He can be found in Coldarra wandering around the Nexus in the Borean Tundra and is one of three rares in the zone. The other two are Fumblub Gearwind and Icehorn.

I have indicated his patrol location in blue on the map below. This npc is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements. He drops Crystalbark's Toenail which are level 70 bind on equip plate gloves with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements.


Deathmaw and Worg Pup
Deathmaw is a level 51 aggressive rare wolf that can be found in a few different locations north and south of Dreadmaul Rock in the Burning Steppes. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.)  He drops the typical green item and a decent amount of experience for toons around his level.

He is also desirable as a hunter pet as he has a unique dark brown coloration and he barks when you click on him. He also matches one of the random Worg Pup colors and the two look really cute out together. The Worg Pup used to be a reward from the quest Kibler's Exotic Pets where you had to go into Lower Blackrock Spire and catch a pup. The pup now drops off of Quartermaster Zigris in Lower Blackrock Spire. 

Monday, August 29, 2011


Zaricotl is a level 48 aggressive rare carrion bird that can be found south east of Dustwind Dig in Badlands. (I have indicated where he can be found in yellow on the map below.)  He drops the typical green item and a decent amount of experience for toons around his level.

He is also especially desirable as a hunter pet as he has a totally unique model. He is the only tamable white vulture in the game.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Xariona is a level ?? rare outdoor boss with approximately 12.9 million health. She can be found in Deepholm flying extremely high in circles above the Temple of the Earth. She flies very quickly and can fly in both clockwise or counter clockwise directions. She is also notorious for getting Aeonaxx campers excited when NPCScan goes off.

As of patch 4.1 Xariona drops one guaranteed purple item. She drops Xariona's Spectral Gauntlets which are item level 359 mail physical dps gloves . She also generally drops about 20 gold, another epic item and some nice jewelcrafting designs. 

She is one of 5 rare outdoor bosses added in Cataclysm. There is one in each Cataclysm zone. All of these bosses are:
Garr - Mount Hyjal
Julak-Doom <The Eye of Zor> - Twilight Highlands
Xariona - Deepholm


Oozeworm is a level 38 rare worm that can be found just west of the Stonemaul Ruins in Dustwallow Marsh. (I have indicated where he patrols in red on the map below.)  He is especially desirable as a hunter pet as his yellow color really makes him stand out. The only other tamable yellow worm in the game is another rare spawn called Grubthor, who is level 56 and can be found in Silithus.

Oozeworm is an exotic pet, he can only be tamed by hunters who are at least level 69 that have the top-tier talent from the Beast Mastery tree Exotic Beasts which allows the taming of exotic pets.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Spiteflayer is a level 55 aggressive rare carrion bird that can be found just south of Nethergarde Keep in the Blasted lands. (I have indicated where he can be found in yellow on the map below.)  He generally drops either an Imperfect Draenethyst Fragment or a Flawless Draenethyst Sphere, each of these items begins a quest. When turned in you will receive a "junk" bag for the imperfect one and a chest for the flawless. The junk bag usually contains a green item and the chest will have a blue.

He is also especially desirable as a hunter pet as he has a totally unique model. He is the only tamable two-headed yellow carrion bird in the game.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Mazzranache is a level 7 rare tallstrider that can be found south of Thunder Bluff wandering around the Thunderhorn Water Well in Mulgore. (I have indicated where she patrols in red on the map below.)  She is especially desirable for low level tauren hunters as she is the only PINK tallstrider that can be tamed below level 31. The only other tamable tallstriders in the game in this color are the Deviate Plainstriders, which are level 31-32 and are located in Southern Barrens.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Strider Clutchmother

Strider Clutchmother is a level 14 non-aggressive rare tallstrider that can be found just south of the Ruins of Auberdine in Darkshore. (I have indicated where she can be found in red on the map below.)  She is especially desirable as a hunter pet as she is a very pretty and unique color. The only other tamable tallstriders in the game in this color are tamable around level 49, these are the swampstriders in Swamp of Sorrows.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Akma'hat - Dirge of the Eternal Sands

Akma'hat is a level ?? rare outdoor boss with approximately 12.9 million health. He can be found in Uldum to the west of Obelisk of the Sun. He spawns in only one location (marked in blue on the map below) and he does not move from it or even patrol. He just stands there waiting to be killed. 

As of patch 4.1 Akma'hat drops one guaranteed purple item. He drops Belt of a Thousand Gaping Mouths which is an item level 359 leather physical dps belt. He also generally drops about 200 gold, another epic item and some nice jewelcrafting designs.

He is one of 5 rare outdoor bosses added in Cataclysm. There is one in each Cataclysm zone. All of these bosses are:
Garr - Mount Hyjal
Julak-Doom <The Eye of Zor> - Twilight Highlands
Xariona - Deepholm

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Humar the Pridelord

Humar the Pridelord is a level 18 rare cat that can be found north east of Ratchet in Northern Barrens. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.) He drops the typical green item and decent experience for levelers.

He shares the same model and color as only one other cat in the game, that cat is Pitch who can be found in Sholazar Basin. Pitch however is only tamable at level 76, making humar still quite desirable for low level hunters to tame.

Cyrus the Black

Cyrus the Black is a rare non-elite hostile level 84 winged Neferset Guardian with approximately 96.7k health. He spawns in four different areas in the oasis just outside the Lost City of the Tol'Vir in Uldum. The locations he spawns at are shown in green on the map below.

Cyrus the Black drops Tol'Vir Hereditary Girdle, which is a bind on equip item level 308 mail caster belt. He also drops around 20 gold, and for leveling characters killing him yields a hefty amount of experience. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Azzere the Skyblade

Azzere the Skyblade is a level 30 rare wind serpent that can be found just south of the Ruins of Tuarajo in the Southern Barrens. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.) He drops the typical green item and decent experience for levelers. He shares the same model as many other wind serpents throughout the world, but he is the only one in this particular color scheme that is tamable at level 30. The other tamable wind serpents of the same color can be found in Swamp of Sorrows and are level 51-53 and the elite Spawn of Hakkar in Sunken Temple.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Qirot is a level 39 rare wasp that can be found inside or outside of either of the two silithid caves in The Writhing Deep in Feralas. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.) He drops the typical green item and decent experience for levelers. He shares the same model as many other wasps throughout Azeroth, but he is the only one that is white in color that is tamable at level 39. The only other white models available are located inside The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. You also do not need to be beast mastery spec to tame Qirot.


Lapress is a level 56 rare silithid that can be found wandering above Hive' Regal in south eastern Silithus. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.) He drops the typical green item and decent experience for levelers. He shares the same model and color scheme as many other silithid mobs in the game. He is tamable by beast mastery hunters, but there really is no need to search specifically for him. The Hive'Regal Hive Lords who patrol around nearby share the exact same model. His spawn time is also supposedly fairly long.

Lapress is also one of the three rare spawns that can be found in or around the Hives in Silithus.
Hive' Ashil - Rex Ashil
Hive' Zora - Zora
Hive' Regal - Lapress


Zora is a level 55 rare wasp that can be found inside of Hive' Zora in western Silithus. (I have indicated where she can be found in red on the map below.) She drops the typical green item and decent experience for levelers. She shares the same model as many other wasps throughout Azeroth, but she is the only one that is copper in color making her a desirable hunter pet. She is tamable by hunters who are at least level 55 regardless of spec, and is a ferocity pet.

Zora is also one of the three rare spawns that can found in or around the Hives in Silithus.
Hive' Ashil - Rex Ashil
Hive' Zora - Zora
Hive' Regal - Lapress

Rex Ashil

Rex Ashil is a level 56 rare wasp that can be found inside and outside of Hive' Ashi in northern Silithus. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.) He drops the typical green item and decent experience for levelers. He shares the same model as many other wasps throughout Azeroth, but he is the only one that is black in color making him a desirable hunter pet. He is tamable by hunters who are at least level 56 regardless of spec, and is a ferocity pet.

Rex Ashil is also one of the three rare spawns that can found in or around the Hives in Silithus.
Hive' Ashil - Rex Ashil
Hive' Zora - Zora
Hive' Regal - Lapress

Harakiss the Infestor

Harakiss the Infestor is a level 47 rare silithid that can be found wandering above ground at The Gaping Chasm in south eastern Tanaris. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.) He drops the typical green item and decent experience for levelers. He shares the same model as Princess Yauj, one of the bug trio (optional bosses) in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. He is tamable at level 69 (you must have the top tier talent from the beast mastery tree to tame him) and is an exotic cunning pet. Being the only tamable silithid with this model and color outside of the raid instance makes him especially desirable as a tamed hunter pet.

Ainamiss the Hive Queen

Ainamiss the Hive Queen is a level 48 rare silithid that can be found wandering above ground at The Noxious Lair in western Tanaris. (I have indicated where she can be found in red on the map below.) She drops the typical green item and decent experience for levelers. She shares the same model as Vem, one of the bug trio (optional bosses) in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. She is tamable at level 69 (you must have the top tier talent from the beast mastery tree to tame her) and is an exotic cunning pet. Being the only tamable silithid with this model and color outside of the raid instance makes her especially desirable as a tamed hunter pet.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Mysterious Camel Figurine - Reins of the Grey Riding Camel

NPCScan Alert
Size Comparison
Mysterious camel figurine is a level 1 item with only 42 health that can be found pretty much all over Uldum. Using the addon tomtom I have indicated most (maybe all?) off the spawn locations below on the map with little green dots. They do not move, they are completely stationary and they are very small. They are also affected by Deathwing. If he comes through Uldum any figurine that is up will be annihilated.

Click Map to Enlarge
95% of these figurines when clicked will become Crumbled Statue Remnants, which is a grey item that vendors for 25 gold. However 5% of the time upon clicking you will be enveloped in a cyclone for a few seconds and then teleported to the steam pools in Feralas. You will also be given a debuff called Dormus' Rage which will allow you 20 minutes to find and kill him.


Armagedillo is a non-elite hostile level 84 HUGE armadillo rare spawn with approximately 129k health who spawns in an area filled with bones just west of Orsis in Uldum. The location he spawns at is shown in red on the map below. He is quite obvious when he is up because...well...he's HUGE, and he stays pretty much in one place. 

Armagedillo drops Armagedillo's Tail, which is a bind on equip item level 312 two-handed physical dps mace. He also drops around 20 gold (why an armadillo is carrying cash I can only wonder...), and for leveling characters killing him yields a hefty amount of experience. 


Madexx is a level 84 rare scorpid that shares the same model as the horde mount Kor'kron Annihilator, the reward for reaching guild level 25. Madexx comes in 5 different colors. Each color has it's own npcscan ID and the colors that spawn are completely random. He comes in red (pictured above), blue (pictured below), green (pictured above), black and brown. Madexx can be found in the northern part of Uldum and he is very easy to spot because he is huge compared to the npcs around him. I have highlighted his spawn points/patrol areas in orange on the map below. NpcScan highlighted the entire region between Obelisk of the Moon and the river but note that there are actually five different locations that he will spawn in and never patrol far from.

Madexx was meant to be a hunter pet. All he drops is a Crystalline Tear of Loyalty. If you see him up please ask a hunter friend to come tame him or announce that he is up in general chat, but please don't kill him.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Loque'nahak is a beautiful unique-skinned level 76 non-hostile rare Spirit Leopard with approximately 16.5k hp. He can be found in Sholazar basin in seven different locations which are indicated in green on the map below. He is one of three rare spawns located in this zone, all of which are unique tamable hunter pets. The other two rares are King Krush (green Devilsaur) and Aotona (blue & purple parrot)

Unfortunately for all of the hunters out there looking to tame him, he is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements so people will be hunting him down intent on killing him. He drops Loque'Nahak's Severed Fang which is a level 74 bind on equip neck item with a random enchant. He can also drop Loque'Nahak's Pelt which is a level 74 bind on equip cloak. The cloak can also be skinned from his corpse, so it is possible to see two of these cloaks off of one kill.  Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Silithid Harvester

Silithid Harvester is a level 34 rare beetle that can be found just north of Desolation Hold in the Southern Barrens. (I have indicated where he can be found with a red dot on the map below.) He drops the typical green item and decent experience for levelers. He shares the same model as many other beetles throughout the world, but he is the only one in this particular color scheme. He is tamable at level 34 and is a tenacity pet.


Arcturis is a level 74 non-hostile rare spectral bear with approximately 15.4k hp. He can be found in Grizzly Hills in only one location which is just north of Amberpine Lodge (it is circled in blue on the map below.) He is also one of four rare spawns in this zone. The others are Grocklar, Seething Hate and Syreian the Bonecarver.

Arcturis is not part of any Northrend achievements. He drops Pristine Glowbear Pelt which is a level 72 bind on equip leather chest piece with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Terrorpene is an ultra cool looking level 81 rare turtle. He shares the same model at Nemesis the elite quest npc which you more than likely have encountered if you've done any questing through Mount Myjal. Terrorpene can be found moseying along in the molten lava east of the Sulfuron Spire. (I have highlighted his patrol area in green on the map below.)

Terrorpene was meant to be a hunter pet. All he drops is a Crystalline Tear of Loyalty. If you see him up please ask a hunter friend to come tame him or announce that he is up in general chat, but please don't kill him.


Magria is a rare spirit beast cat with approximately 232k health and is located in Mount Hyjal in The Regrowth. She is one of 10 new rares put in place as a challenge for hunters to tame in patch 4.2.  (Full list at bottom of page)

I have highlighted the area she patrols in purple on the map below. Magria shares a spawn timer with Ankha who is a very similar looking spirit beast. (Magria has a very pretty blue hue.) Their spawn timer is somewhere between 6 and 17 hours. The NPCScan id for her is 54319, you will need to add it to NPCScan in order for it to find her. You also need to have completed enough quests in Mount Hyjal to have unlocked the daily quests at The Sanctuary of Malorne to be able to see Ankha and Magria. The final quest before unlocking the dailies is Aessina's Miracle

Ravasaur Matriarch and Her Nest (Ravasaur Hatchling)

Ravasaur Matriarch is a level 51 rare green raptor that can be found in south eastern Un'Goro Crater just south east of Marshal's Stand. (She is located in close proximity to her nests which I have indicated on the map below in red.) Before patch 3.3 she dropped the vanity pet Ravasaur Hatchling pictured on the right in the picture above. The hatchling no longer drops off of her but can now be looted directly from the nest Ravasaur Matriarch's Nest and is a 100% chance drop. As of 4.2 she drops a green and a decent amount of experience for toons around her level. 

Ravasaur Matriarch does not need to be up for the nest to be spawned in and vice versa, they have independent spawn timers. Unlike the other raptors with nests though, her spawn timer and nest seem to be longer in roughly the 4-8+ hour range. I have found her alone before with no nest, I've found just the nest, and they could also both be up at the same time. I'd also like to note that for this particular raptor and nest I've found the nest spawned in more often than the raptor. The nest will also only spawn near the location of the rare raptor.

There are three other rare raptors with associated hatchlings and nests and those are:

Dart and Dart's Nest (Darting Hatchling)

Dart is a level 37 rare orange raptor that can be found in northern Dustwallow Marsh just east of Blackhoof Village. (I have indicated where he can be found on the map below in the red circle.) Before patch 3.3 he dropped the vanity pet Darting Hatchling pictured on the right in the picture above. The hatchling no longer drops off of him but can now be looted directly from the nest Dart's Nest and is a 100% chance drop. As of 4.2 he drops a green and a decent amount of experience for toons around his level. 

Dart does not need to be up for the nest to be spawned in and vice versa, they have independent spawn timers which seem to be a couple of hours each. I have found him alone before with no nest, I've found just the nest and I've also found both up at the same time. The nest will also only spawn near the location of the rare raptor.

There are three other rare raptors with associated hatchlings and nests and those are: