Thursday, December 15, 2011


Kurmokk is a level 33 rare red gorilla that can be found patrolling through Mistvale Valley on The Cape of Stranglethorn. I have indicated where he can be patrols in red on the map below.

He drops the typical green item and a decent amount of experience for people leveling.

He is also tamable by hunters, and would make a nice pet for people who come across him. He is the lowest level tamable gorilla in this color. Other tamable gorillas with this look are the Groddoc Apes in Feralas (level 36-37), U'cha in Un'Goro (level 53), and the Hardnuckle Matriarch (level 77), which is a mob summoned during a quest in Sholazar Basin.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Snarler is a level 39 rare black wolf that can be found patrolling north of the road in eastern Feralas. I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.

He drops the typical green item and a decent amount of experience for people leveling.

This particular wolf used to be highly sought after by hunters because he originally had an incredibly high amount of base magic resistance. That was fixed by Blizzard many moons ago however. He currently shares the same abilities as all of the other wolves in game but still makes a pretty nice looking pet. If your looking for this particular model and color and are having trouble finding him; there are level 16-17 elite wolves in Redridge Mountains, and level 32-33 wolves in the Hinterlands that look exactly like him.


Arash-ethis is a level 36 rare white wind serpent that can be found patrolling in one small area in north western Feralas, just south of Camp Ataya. I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.

He drops the typical green item and a decent amount of experience for people leveling.

He is also tamable by hunters and would make a nice pet for people who come across him. He shares the same model and color as a few other mobs in game, the most easily obtainable being the level 40 Cloud Serpents in Thousand Needles. He also has a twin rare spawn in Dustwallow Marsh called Hayoc.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thartuk the Exile

Thartuk the Exile is a rare level 81 with approximately 74.3k health. He can be found wandering the road in northern Mount Hyjal starting at Nordrassil and continuing all the way past the Circle of Cinders. Do not be fooled by NPCScan overlay with this guy, it currently doesn't show the exact patrol area. He actually spawns much closer to Nordrassil than the overlay implies. I re-did the overlay patrol area in green on the map below to give you a better idea of where to look for him.

Thartuk the Exile drops Thartuk's Inimitable Gauntlets, which are bind on equip item level 325 physical dps leather gloves. He also drops around 20 gold, and for leveling characters killing him yields a hefty amount of experience. 

Monday, November 14, 2011


Uhk'loc is a level 53 rare white gorilla that can be found by Fungal Rock in Un'Goro Crater. Before Cataclysm he spawned inside the cave by the pool where the quest npc U'cha can currently be found. It is unconfirmed whether or not he still spawns there. I camped inside the cave waiting for him to spawn with no luck on and off for a couple of days. When I went outside the cave entrance to his new spawn location he showed up shortly after. I have marked both locations on the map below and I have included a screen shot of Uhk'loc in his new location further down this post.

He drops the typical green item and a decent amount of experience for people leveling.

He is tamable by hunters and would make for a very unique looking pet. He is one of only two white gorillas in the game, and both of them are rare spawns. The other is a level 28 non-aggressive rare named Tsul'Kalu, he can be found in Northern Stranglethorn. 


It's Crusty the Crab! Crusty (who is clearly a Spongebob Squarpants reference) is a level 32 non-aggressive crab that spawns off the coast of northern Desolace. I have indicated his patrol area in red on the map below.

He drops the typical green item and a decent amount of experience for people leveling.

He is also one of only two rare crabs currently in game. The only other rare crab is Ghostcrawler, the level 85 spirit beast crab in Vashj'ir. If you are a hunter and are simply interested in taming a crab of this particular color, there are several others to choose from in game. They range from level 2 to 80 and can be found in Durotar, Wetlands, Tanaris, Howling Fjord and Kelp'thar Forest in Vashj'ir. This is also the same model and color that goblin hunters start out with.

Monday, November 7, 2011

King Mosh

King Mosh and the Savage Raptor Mount
King Mosh is a level 55 non-elite devilsaur. He used to be an elite level 60 mob with a whopping 61k health. Years ago he was a force to be reckoned with. During the Burning Crusade he would eat through level 70's with decent gear. Unfortunately his level has been reduced since Cataclysm, and he now has only 5,528hp.

King Mosh can be found in the north western part of Un'Goro Crater patrolling in a few different locations around The Screaming Reaches. I have indicated the locations where he can be found in red on the map below.

He drops the typical green item and a fairly high amount of experience for people leveling who come across him.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Time-Lost Proto-Drake - Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake

The Time-Lost Proto-Drake (TLPD) is a level 80 rare spawn that can be found in the Storm Peaks. He has a 100% chance to drop the coveted Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake, as well as a level 76 bind on equip necklace and an Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel. He has 18,900 hp and is non-elite. TLPD shares a spawn timer, spawn points, and flight paths with Vyragosa. This means that they can never be up at the same time. Vyragosa is also MUCH much more likely to spawn than the TLPD. In your time camping for the TLPD you can expect to be seeing a lot of her.

Spawn Timer:

The spawn timer on both the TLPD and Vyragosa is somewhere between 6-24+hours, meaning that after either Vyragsa or the TLPD are killed you will not see either of them spawn again for at least six hours MUCH shorter than it used to be when this article was originally written. People have seen it in as little as an hour, and anywhere up to about 7 hours (updated 4/13/17). It is completely random which one of the two will spawn in next. Vyragosa could spawn 10 times before you see a TLPD spawn or she may only spawn a couple of times in between TLPD spawns.

TLPD being "held" at Bor's Breath, screen-shot courtesy of Reinoverall - Elune (US)
Spawn Points:

Friday, November 4, 2011

Putridus the Ancient

Putridus the Ancient is a level 80 elite rare flesh giant with approximately 75.6k health. He can be found patrolling a very large area between The Broken Front and Corp'rethar in Icecrown. I hiave highlighted his patrol area in red on the map below. He is one of three rare spawns in this zone. The others are Hildana Deathstealer and High Thane Jorfus.

Putridus the Ancient is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements. He drops Giant's Toewrap which are level 76 bind on equip leather bracers with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements. He's also worth a hefty amount of experience for people leveling in the area.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Vultros is a rare level 10 carrion bird (specifically a blue vulture). He used to be a level 26 elite that dropped a very notable dagger called the Talon of Vultros, which was highly sought after for twinks. Since the Cataclysm the stats on the dagger have changed, and it is unconfirmed at this point whether or not he still drops it. Rogues have gotten it out of low level lock boxes, but at this point Vultros only seems to drop the typical green or white item for his level and a decent amount of experience for people leveling.

He would also make a very nice hunter pet for low level alliance hunters who come across him. Up until level 30 he is the only tamable bird in this color.

He spawns in five different locations in northern Westfall. I have indicated these spawn locations with red dots on the map below. Once spawned in, he will not patrol between these points.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Darkmist Widow

Darkmist Widow is a level 37 rare black and red spider that can be found outside of the mine north of Brackenwall Village (just in front of a fallen mine cart) in Dustwallow Marsh. She does not patrol from that location once spawned in. I have indicated where she can be found with a red dot on the map below.

She drops the typical green item and a decent amount of experience for people leveling.

She is also tamable by hunters and would make a nice pet for people who come across her. If you want this particular model and color and are having trouble finding her, she shares the same model and color as couple of other spiders in game. Those are: Zarakh, a level 19 mob for the quest The Missing Expedition on Bloodmyst Isle; Shadra, a level 35 spawned elite in the Hinterlands for the quest Shadra the Venom Queen; and the Black Recluse, a level 85 mob in Twilight Highlands.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Crazed Indu'le Survivor

Crazed Indu'le Survivor is a level 73 rare tuskarr with 14.9k health. He can be found patrolling in eight different areas in western Dragonblight. NPCScan Overlay can be a little misleading with this particular mob. At first glance it looks as if he patrols the entire length just east of Star's Rest all the way to east of Moonrest Gardens. This is not the case. He has seven different spawn points within that long area, and once spawned in he patrols in a small radius just around that particular spawn point, he will not move between these spawn points. He has one spawn point east of the Westwind refugee Camp as well. If you look at the map below I have highlighted each spawn point/patrol area in red. NPCScan Overlay is still quite helpful here in guiding you in a nice straight path over these points.

Crazed Indu'le Survivor is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements. He drops Seal-Fur Spaulders which are level 72 bind on equip leather shoulders with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements. He also yields a decent amount of experience for leveling characters.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Hayoc is a level 37 rare white wind serpent that can be found patrolling a couple of very small areas east of Stonemaul Ruins in Dustwallow Marsh. I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.

He drops the typical green item and a decent amount of experience for people leveling.

He is also tamable by hunters and would make a nice pet for people who come across him. He shares the same model and color as a few other mobs in game, the most easily obtainable being the level 40 Cloud Serpents in Thousand Needles. He also has a twin rare spawn in Feralas called Arash-ethis.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Ripscale is a level 39 rare crocolisk that can be found in Dustwallow Marsh.  He spawns in six different locations and patrols within each one. He does not move between the patrol areas once spawned. I have indicated each location in red on the map below.

He drops the typical green item and a decent amount of experience for people leveling.

He is also desirable as a hunter pet for lower level hunters as he is the only tamable crocolisk in this color under level 82. The only other tamable crocolisks in game that share Ripscale's model and color are the level 82-83 Neferset Crocolisks in Uldum.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sewer Beast

Sewer Beast is a level 50 rare crocolisk that is unique not because of his skin, but because of his spawn location. He is the only tamable rare that spawns inside of a capital city. Because he spawns in such a highly populated area it can make finding this guy alive quite difficult. His name is also likely a reference to the urban legend stating that alligators can be found living in city sewers.

He does not have the traditional rare spawn loot table. He has a 100% chance to drop a grey item; there is a chance he will drop other items, but it is very very minuscule.

He spawns in five different locations in the Stormwind sewers and patrols in the water within each patrol area. He does not move between the patrol areas once spawned. I have indicated each location in red on the map below.

High Thane Jorfus

High Thane Jorfus is a level 80 rare Ymirjar with approximately 18.9k health. He can be found patrolling in three different areas in Icecrown. These locations are the Court of Bones, Sindragosa's Fall and the Fleshworks. (These patrol areas are indicated in blue on the map below.) He is one of three rare spawns in this zone. The others are Hildana Deathstealer and Putridus the Ancient.

High Thane Jorfus is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements. He drops Corroded Faceguard which is a level 76 bind on equip plate helm with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements. He's also worth a hefty amount of experience for people leveling in the area.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Grocklar is a level 74 rare elite giant with approximately 41k health. He can be found patrolling in four different areas in western Grizzly Hills. (I have indicated his patrol areas in green on the map below.) He moves very quickly through his patrol area and is quite large. He is one of four rare spawns in this zone. The others are Arcturis (spirit bear), Seething Hate and Syreian the Bonecarver.

Grocklar is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements. He drops Rock-Giant's Pinky Cover which are level 72 bind on equip mail gloves with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, he also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements. He's also worth a hefty amount of experience for people leveling in the area.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Dishu, with Druid in Travel From in the Background

Dishu is a level 13 rare cat that can be found in four different locations in Northern Barrens. (I have indicated where she can be found in light blue on the map below.) She drops the typical green or white item and decent experience for levelers.

She shares the same model and color as the druid travel form, which make her a fun tame tame for low level hunters. The only other tamable cats in game that share this model and skin are the Ridge Stalkers and Huntresses found in the Badlands, and they range from level 44-46.

Scarlet Highlord Daion

Before Engaging in Combat
Scarlet Highlord Daion is a level 73 rare human with 14.9k health. She can be found patrolling in three different areas in Dragonblight. Specifically, those three locations are Scarlet Point, New Hearthglen and the Onslaught Base Camp. She has several different spawn points within each location. I have indicated the areas in green on the map below. She is also one of three rares that can be found in Dragonblight. The other two are Tukemuth and Crazed Indu'le Survivor.

Scarlet Highlord Daion is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements. She drops Highlord's Padded Legguards which are level 72 bind on equip mail pants with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, she also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements. She also yields a decent amount of experience for leveling characters.

She's pretty much a pushover, even for leveling characters that come across her. She does a whirlwind and has a few different special melee abilities, none of which really hurt in any way shape or form. Squishier classes may want to be careful not to pull too many adds with her though, that could turn bad rather quickly.

Friday, October 14, 2011


I'm going to need a bigger can of RAID...

Creepthess is a level 21 rare grey spider (specifically a tarantula) that can be found patrolling a very small area just west of the Ruins of Southshore in Hillsbrad Foothills. I have indicated where he can be found with a red dot on the map below.

He drops the typical green item and a decent amount of experience for people leveling.

He is also tamable by hunters and would make a nice pet for lowbies who come across him. He does not have a unique skin or coloration but he is probably the first in this color that low level horde toons may stumble upon. Low level alliance toons looking for this skin should check out Shanda the Spinner in Loch Modan.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Big Samras

Big Samras is a level 25 rare diseased brown bear that can be found sleeping on the Hill northwest of Durnholde Keep in Hillsbrad Foothills. He just sleeps there and he does not patrol at all. I have indicated where he can be found with a red dot on the map below.

He drops the typical green item and a decent amount of experience for people leveling.

He would also make a fairly unique hunter pet. The only other bears in game that share this model and color with Big Samras are the level 37-38 Hulking Plaguebears in Western Plaguelands.

Overlord Sunderfury

Overlord Sunderfury is a rare level 83-85 elemental ascendant with approximately 155k health. He spawns in only one location, and that is at the Black Breach right in front on the Eye of Twilight which is used for the quest A Vision of TwilightA Vision of Twilight and its follow up quests. The location he spawns at is shown in red on the map below.

Overlord Sunderfury drops Sunderfury's Sundries, which are bind on equip item level 345 cloth pants. He also drops around 20 gold, and for leveling characters killing him yields a hefty amount of experience. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Araga, patiently waiting to be tamed (or mercilessly murdered in front of her cubs)
Araga is a level 24 rare cat (specifically a lioness) that can be found on the Headland in the middle of Hillsbrad Foothills. She spawns at the very edge of the jutting out peninsula and sits there with her cubs overlooking the zone, she does not patrol at all. I have indicated where she can be found with a red dot on the map below.

She drops the typical green item and a decent amount of experience for people leveling.

She would also make a fairly unique hunter pet. Before Cataclysm she had her own unique skin, although that is not the case any more, there is only one other place in game that this look can be found. The level 32-33 Plains Prowlers in Southern Barrens share the same model as Araga.


Grubthor is a level 56 rare yellow worm that can be found in several different locations in southern Silithus. (I have indicated where he can be found in red on the map below.)  He is especially desirable as a hunter pet as his yellow color really makes him stand out. The only other tamable yellow worm in the game is another rare spawn named Oozeworm, who is level 38 and can be found in Dustwallow Marsh.

Grubthor is an exotic pet, he can only be tamed by hunters who are at least level 69 that have the top-tier talent from the Beast Mastery tree Exotic Beasts which allows the taming of exotic pets.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Grunter is a level 57 aggressive rare yellow and black Felboar. He can be found just north of the Dark Portal in the Blasted lands. (I have indicated where he can be found in yellow on the map below.)  

He generally drops either an Imperfect Draenethyst Fragment or a Flawless Draenethyst Sphere, each of these items begins a quest. When turned in you will receive a "junk" bag for the imperfect one and a chest for the flawless. The junk bag usually contains a green item and the chest will have a blue. He will also usually drop the typical green boe and a decent amount of experience for people around his level.

He is also desirable as a hunter pet as his color-scheme isn't found very much throughout the world. The only other tamable boars in this color are the level 65-66 Domesticated Felboars in Shadowmoon Valley.

Vile Sting

Vile Sting is a level 45 rare white scorpid that can be found in western Thousand Needles, southwest of Highperch. He has only one spawn location and he does not patrol away from it. I have indicated his spawn location in red on the map below. 

He drops the typical green item and a fairly decent amount of experience for leveling characters.

He is also desirable as a hunter pet for mid-level hunters as his color-scheme isn't found very much throughout the world. The only other tamable white scorpids are the level 54-55 Stonelash Flayers and Scorpids in Silithus.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Naraxis Tamed

Naraxis is a level 21 rare red spider that can be found in a cave east of Darkshire in Duskwood. She is easy to find when she's up because she spawns in that cave only, and doesn't patrol or really move much at all. 

She drops the typical green item and a fairly decent amount of experience for leveling characters.

She would also make a nice hunter pet for low level hunters. There are only 2 other spiders in the game that share this model and color. Those are Mother Fang, a level 9 rare in Elwynn Forest and Terokkarantula, a level 65 elite quest npc in Terokkar Forest. 

Mother Fang

Tamed Mother Fang at the Mine Entrance 
Mother Fang is a level 9 rare red spider that can be found in the Jasperlode Mine north of the Tower of Azora in Elwynn Forest. I marked the entrance to the mine on the map below. She spawns in the very back of the mine and does not patrol away from there. Untamed she is also HUGE so she's pretty hard to miss. 

She drops the typical green or white item and a decent amount of experience for leveling characters.

Mother Fang would also make a very nice first rare hunter pet for low level alliance characters. She is the lowest level tamable spider in this color. There are only 2 other spiders in the game that share this model and color. Those are Naraxis, a level 21 rare in Duskwood and Terokkarantula, a level 65 elite quest npc in Terokkar Forest. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cranky Benj

This guy needs a hug! Cranky Benj is a level 24 non-aggressive rare orange turtle that can be found patrolling up and down the river east of Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad Foothills. He has a fairly large patrol area, but when he is up he's pretty easy to spot. He is much larger, and a different color than the other turtles in the river and he never leaves the middle of the river on his patrol.

He drops the typical green item and a decent amount of experience for leveling characters.

Although not a unique skin, he makes a nice hunter pet. The only other tamable turtles in this color at this level are the elite Aku'Mai Snapjaws in Blackfathom Deeps. This coloration can also be found on the level 30-31 Saltwater Snapjaws in The Hinterlands and the level 50 Sorrowmurk Snapjaws in Swamp of Sorrows. Also, available to goblins are the level 7-8 Child of Volcanoth on The Lost Isles.


Ironback is a level 31 non-aggressive rare grey and purple turtle that can be found in eastern Hinterlands by the shore north of Revantusk Village. He has only one spawn location and he does not patrol away from it; specifically he spawns right near a troll hut and just sort of wanders around between the hut and the ocean. I have marked his spawn location in red on the map below. 

He drops the typical green item and a fairly decent amount of experience for leveling characters.

He would also make a nice hunter pet. The only other tamable turtles of this coloration are the level 35-36 Mudrock Spikeshells in Dustwallow Marsh, and the level 6-7 Marsh Snappers in Gilneas which can only be accessed by worgen.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Slaverjaw is a level 49 rare red hyena that can be found in southern Tanaris, just north of the Southmoon Ruins. He has only one spawn location and he does not patrol away from it; specifically he spawns right in the middle of several very large bones sticking out of the sand. I have indicated his spawn location in red on the map below. 

He drops the typical green item and a fairly decent amount of experience for leveling characters.

He is also desirable as a hunter pet for mid-level hunters as he is the only tamable red hyena under level 82. The only other tamable red hyenas in the game are the level 82-83 Bloodsnarl Hyenas in Uldum. There are also hyenas with this exact same skin color in Western Plaguelands (Scarlet Hounds), but they are not tamable.

Hildana Deathstealer

Hildana Deathstealer is a level 80 rare val'kyr with 18.9k health. She can be found patrolling in two different locations in Icecrown. Those two locations are Jotunheim and Ymirheim, and I have indicated the areas in green on the map below. She is also one of three rare spawns in this zone. The others are Putridus the Ancient and High Thane Jorfus.

Hildana is part of the Northern Exposure and Frostbitten achievements. She drops Val'kyr Vestments which is a level 76 bind on equip mail chest piece with a random enchant. Like other Northrend rares, she also drops Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel, which generally contains about 20 gold, a full stack of frostweave cloth, and often times a few crystallized elements. She also yields a decent amount of experience for leveling characters.

Ressan the Needler

Ressan the Needler is a level 9 rare white bat that can be found in Tirisfal Glades. He has a large patrol area that spreads from the fields of Cold Hearth Manor, past the Scarlet Watchtower and on to Nightmare Vale. He is pretty easy to spot when he is up because he is quite large and all of the other bats in the area are black. I have indicated his patrol area in red on the map below. 

He drops the typical green or white item and a fairly decent amount of experience for leveling characters.

He is also desirable as a hunter pet for low level hunters because there are so few bats of this color and he is definitely the easiest to come by. The only other tamable white bats are: Blind Hunter, the level 35 rare elite in Razorfen Kraul and the level 75-76 Zul'Drak Bats. Blood Seeker, the level 15 bat that shares a spawn timer with Aeonaxx in Deepholm is also white but currently only stays spawned in for a few seconds when he does show up.


Bayne is a level 8 rare purple demon dog that can be found in several different locations west and north of Brill in Tirisfal Glades. He is pretty easy to spot when he is up because he is a lot bigger than the other demon dogs in the area, and he is purple where they are blue. I have indicated the different areas that he can be found in red on the map below. 

He drops the typical white item and a fairly decent amount of experience for leveling characters.

He is also desirable as a hunter pet for low level hunters as he is the only tamable demon dog in this color under level 71 and outside of an instance. The only other demon dogs that share the same model and color as Bayne are the level 71 elite Dreadbeasts in Karazhan.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Garr and his Posse
Straight out of Molten Core, I'd like to introduce...Garr! Yes, he's back. No, he doesn't drop his bindings. Garr is a level ?? rare rock elemental outdoor boss with approximately 12.9 million health. He can be found patrolling west of Sulfuron Spire in southern Mount Hyjal. I have indicated his patrol area in red on the map below.

As of patch 4.1 Garr drops one guaranteed purple item. He drops Garr's Reinforced Girdle of Memories which is a bind-on-equip item level 359 physical dps plate belt. He also drops about 450 gold, another epic item and some nice jewelcrafting designs.

He is one of 5 rare outdoor bosses added in Cataclysm. There is one in each Cataclysm zone. All of these bosses are:
Garr - Mount Hyjal
Julak-Doom <The Eye of Zor> - Twilight Highlands
Xariona - Deepholm