Thursday, July 12, 2012

Arathi Highlands Rare Spawns

Arathi Highlands is a large grassy zone in southeastern Lordaeron. Arathi has several notable features including great circles of binding protected by elementals, the ruins of Stormgarde Keep which has been overrun by ogres and syndicate, and the Thandol Span - a massive dwarf-made bridge connecting Arathi to the Wetlands. This zone is also home to ten rare spawns ranging from level 26-29.

An interesting thing to note about the rares in Arathi Highlands, is that none of them actually patrol around once they've spawned in.

Kovork can be found at the end of the cave at Boulderfist Outpost. Geomancer Flintdagger waits at the end of the cave east of Hammerfall (Drywhisker Gorge). Zalas Witherbark can be found just inside the cave at Witherbark Village.

Prince Nazjak has four different underwater spawn points in Faldir's Cove, but once spawned in he doesn't patrol between them. He can usually be found inside one of the sunken ships.

Singer can be found inside the small house at Northfold Manor staring at the fireplace. Be careful when engaging her on low level toons, and ironmen toons especially - she has a Dominate Mind ability and she can and will use it.

Click map to enlarge
Screenies of each rare in order by level, and exactly as you'll find them in the zone:

Darbel Montrose, Kovork, Molok the Crusher & Nimar the Slayer
Foulbelly, Singer & Zalas Witherbark
Prince Nazjak, Geomancer Flintdagger & Ruul Onestone
WoW Ironman Challengers Ironstevo (warlock), Ironsteve (druid) and Ironsteva (warrior) hunting down each of these rares:

2/06/13 Update: There were nine new rares added to this zone in patch 5.1. To learn more about them, check out this post: Arathi Highlands Tamable Rares added in 5.1.


  1. When I was in Arathi I killed Prince Nazjak and Singer :( Only two of all those rares :)))

    1. Sometimes you have to go out of your way a wee little bit. =)

      They're spawn timers aren't very long. If you look for em, you'll eventually find em!

  2. It took ages before I saw that naga. I don't think I ever saw him levelling through the area on any of my toons but I was determined to see him once I was publishing all the different areas in my 'Silver Dragons' posts.

    1. It actually took me a while to find him too. I think hes the last one I came across out of all of em.

  3. Prince Nazjak also took me ages! He was my last one I think. They say it's coz he drops some awesome thing... though what it was has eluded me. Off to Wowhead!

    1. hmmm I'm not sure what that may have been, it must have been something in the level 40ish range I'm going to guess because he used to be level 41 before cata. Unfortunately I never saw him once before he changed.

  4. I love watching the Stevies in action. I've never seen even one of these rares. I should use a land mount instead of flying all the time.

    1. That is one thing I miss about the old days, now with flight in the old world and mounts at much lower level - we miss so much!

  5. how did u add the spot on the map my npsoverlay doesnt have them
    -wolfrunner, elune, horde

    1. NPCScan Overlay doesn't cover the old world unfortunately. I added each of them in manually to show where they were.

  6. thanks for the blog i love it
    found all in first pass except for Darbel Montrose

    1. I'm glad you like it, thanks for stopping by! ^-^

  7. I just found a beetle rare is name was Phalanax something like that and it is in the cave juste behind Molok the crusher. Just saying.

  8. Also found a rare pig its name is Swee found it in Go'shek farm I think he is friendly if you're in the Horde I'm not sure about that.

  9. And an other, Glint in the Cercle of inner binding a stone crab or whatever.

  10. By the way tanks for the map locations really usefull, I wanted to level up without quest and it works pertty well tanks to you

  11. Annnnnnnnd another, "Cackle" a white bird near the Prince Nazjak direction east on the land.

  12. And Again a dog named Snuffles next to Singer in the Northold manor.

  13. Saurix a purple raptor in the north of Refuge point, level 26 coord 43-35.

  14. Boros, seems like a wasp from Ahn'Qiraj, north of Dabryie's farmstead, coord 48-36.

    1. Ummm yeah, so apparently you never read the bottom of this post. All of those rares you just named were added in 5.1 and have their own post & map. Just click the link to see them.

    2. Also, a Spider near the north section of the large wall dividing Hillsbrad and Arathi.

  15. There's another rare called Snuffles, a lvl 28 Dog that spawns in a doghouse right next to the building that Singer spawns in. I literally killed this dog 20 seconds ago. This is the first time I see him though.

    1. You didn't read the bottom of the post I see.
