I put a poll up a couple of weeks ago asking people what addon they use to track rares or if they even use one at all. I've gotten a few responses so far, and I'm noticing a trend in the answers. Most people use NPCScan, roughly 20% use SilverDragon and about 10% haven't used any addons at all to find rares. I'm going to leave this poll up for a while, and I'm sure the numbers will change a bit, but ultimately I got what I was looking for.
I honestly thought there would be a few more people using SilverDragon than there are. Those of you out there who aren't using SilverDragon or any addons at all to find rares I'm going to tell you here a few reasons why you should consider giving this addon a try.
First of all, I am not nearly as familiar with SilverDragon as I am with NPCScan, but I have been using it for the past few months and I feel like I've gotten a pretty good handle on it. Let me start off by saying I currently use both NPCScan
and SilverDragon. For me they each have their purpose. NPCScan has a wonderful overlay that you can download with it that shows where certain rares can be found that is very close to being correct and it's pretty easy to figure out. If you want more info on NPCScan you can find it on
this post. The rest of this particular post however is going to be devoted to SilverDragon.

Like NPCScan, SilverDragon can be downloaded from
Curse.com. It tracks rare spawns in game, but unlike NPCScan, it tracks EVERY rare as far as I know. (That means anything under level 60 is in there too folks!) It comes with a list of all rares, and once you have the addon ready to roll all of those rares just need to be imported before SilverDragon will find them for you. In the screen shot to the right you can see the "Import Data" button under the Data Management tab. When you first download this addon and begin to use it make sure you click that before you start your rare hunting. When you click it you should see a message in your chat box along the lines of "SilverDragon_Config: Imported (number) rares."
SilverDragon will show up on your minimap, your chocolatebar, or whatever you use as a little red dragon head icon. (Shown in the screenshot below.) When you click on the SilverDragon icon it will show you all of the rare spawns that could potentailly be up in the zone you are currently in. In the screen shot below I am flying through Northern Stranglethorn Vale and there are a total of seven rare spawns. Notice how it also tells you which ones are tamable! I had not yet seen any of these rares since I last cleared my cache in this screen shot. When a rare is found it will become cached and SilverDragon will display that info.