Saturday, December 29, 2012

Winterspring - Tamable Rares added in 5.1

Patch 5.1 was very kind to Winterspring, adding 10 new tamable rares to the zone. This brings the total count of rares in this zone to seventeen! I covered the other seven rares in Winterspring in this post: Winterspring Rare Spawns.

Among these new tamable rares are some real beauties. Several of them even have brand new unique skins. Iceclaw, the level 50 "ice cat" has a totally unique look. She has the "hunched" cat model, with the blue and white "icy" coloration that was previously only found on the Frostsaber Stalker model.

Manas, the silver-grey dragonhawk, is the first ever tamable dragonhawk in this color. He even matches the mini-pet Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling perfectly. Quetzl, the wind serpent, also has a unique look - and in my opinion a very appealing one. He has the spiked wind serpent model previously only found in Outland and Northrend, and a beautiful, totally unique green, grey & orange coloration. 

The rest of these new rares are not unique, but it can certainly be worth finding and taming them - especially on low level hunters. Manas, the blue runed demon dog, shares the same look as the demon dogs in Borean Tundra and The Nexus - meaning if you like this model you can now have one almost 20 levels earlier! 

Norissis and Ronak, both chimaeras, each share the exact same coloration and model as another rare. Norissis has the blue and purple armored chimaera look that was previously unique to Nuramoc in Netherstorm. With Nuramoc's long spawn timer and the introduction of cross-realm zones it can probably prove to be difficult finding him; the introduction of Norissis will give hunters wanting that skin another option. The same can be said for Ronak, who shares the exact same model and coloration as The Razza in Feralas.

Although all of these pets are in the 50 - 54 level range, do keep in mind that several of them are exotic and cannot be tamed until at least level 69. These include each of the rhinos, both chimaeras and the Jormungar (The Deep Tunneler).

None of these rares have large patrol routes, and each one can be found out in the open - except for The Deep Tunneler, who is all the way at the end of the cave in Mazthoril. Their spawn timers, like most of the new rares added in 5.1, seem to be several hours. Be prepared to camp for a while if your hunting one of these guys down.

Click map to Enlarge
Here are some screenies of what each of these guys look like untamed, in order by level. (Simply click on the images to enlarge them for a better view.)

Iceclaw, Gal'dorak & Manas
Norissis, Bruiser & Quetzl
Ronak, The Deep Tunneler, Arcanus & Bornak the Gorer
All of these rares can be added to NPCScan. You can simply cut and paste these macros in game to add all of them automatically:

/npcscan add 51045 Arcanus
/npcscan add 50997 Bornak the Gorer
/npcscan add 50995 Bruiser
/npcscan add 50993 Gal'dorak
/npcscan add 50819 Iceclaw

/npcscan add 50353 Manas
/npcscan add 50348 Norissis
/npcscan add 50788 Quetzl
/npcscan add 50346 Ronak
/npcscan add 51028 The Deep Tunnler

Good luck, and happy hunting!


  1. OOh thanks Euphy! I will have to go look!

    1. Good luck finding them, some of the really desirable ones can be pretty tough to find alive.

    2. I happen to find Arcanus yesterday, and before I could hit tame, a rouge rushed in and killed it...

  2. Whenever my Hunter gets her chance I know she'll want to go for Arcanus first! Thanks, I didn't even know they'd added all these!

    1. My hunter is crying at the lack of stable space with all these new pets. I seriously want to tame them all. There are sooooo many awesome looking new ones its crazy.

  3. How long is Manas respawen time ever time I go I can't find him and he seems to take 4 ever

    1. Most of the new rares introduced in 5.1 around this level have been around 3-5 hours or so.

    2. Thanks for the info i can't stand failing ever time trying to find her/him. They sometimes never say female or male

  4. Replies
    1. I can't think of a reason why he wouldn't be. Perhaps you tried to tame him in a spec other than Beast mastery?

    2. You don't have Sian-Rotam on here, he's the white lion! :)
      Right under frostsaber rock is Shy-Rotam, Sian is a rare spawn 3-6h timer and he is the mate of Shy, he spawns at the back of the den behind his prowling mate sleeping, you can kill her first then set a freezing trap for Sian to walk through or he will keep setting fear on you.

    3. @Anna - This post only covers the tamable rares added in patch 5.1 I covered Sian-Rotam in this post.

    4. yes he is,got him this morning

  5. why would it have said that Gal'Dorak is not tameable?

    1. He is exotic. You need to be at least level 69 and Beast Mastery spec to tame him.

  6. Is anyone else having trouble finding Iceclaw? I have been searching for what seems like forever. I checked the location you gave multiple times and expanded my search as well.

    1. He is that spot just lucky find. I went there last night and he was there waiting for me. I'm still trying to get Manas and Quetzl. Propped myself right in between them both as they are within 40 yards of each other. Good luck!

  7. wow thnaks jsut tamed all of theme plus 3 more spirit beast

  8. Someone please help me I can't ever find Norissis ��

    1. He's in a high traffic area where a lot of people are questing. That's probably why you haven't seen him yet. Maybe try logging in at an odd time like early in the morning - that'll probably give you the best chance of spotting him.

  9. I'm just here for Gornak and the worm, theyre amazing thx
