Monday, July 25, 2011

Poseidus - Reins of Poseidus

Poseidus is a highly sought after hostile level 81 rare seahorse with approximately 55.8k health who spawns in the under water zone Vashj'ir. He has four different spawn points in the Shimmering Expanse (they are shown in orange on the second map below). He also has one spawn point in the Abyssal Depths in the southern end of Underlight Canyon (that is where I found him).

Poseidus has a 100% chance to drop Reins of Poseidus
, which is a bind on use seahorse mount that can be summoned anywhere in game under water. I have seen very few of these on the Auction House on my server. The few I have seen have generally be listed for about 100,000 gold. He also drops a hefty amount of gold, when I killed him he dropped around 99gold. He also tends to be very generous with other loot, often dropping item level 359 bind on equip gear and pricey formulas and designs. (When I killed him he dropped Blockade's Lost Shield and Formula: Enchant Bracer - Major Strength.) 

Subdued Seahorse - Learned from Reins of Poseidus
Nobody (other than Blizzard) knows the exact spawn timer that Poseidus is on, but from information I've gathered its a pretty long one. It is probably as least 72 hours, making this mount very rare indeed.

I will be honest here, I was a little lucky in finding him. I have not really actively camped for him like I did for other rares that drop mounts such as the Time-Lost proto Drake and Aeonaxx. Every morning when I'd log in before doing dailies I would head to Vashj'ir and swim over each spawn point just to see if he happened to be up. I was awfully surprised when my npcscan went off for him this morning. (This is actually the second time I've found and killed him, but the first was toward the beginning of the Cataclysm expansion before he dropped any loot.)

As you can see in the video below I found him in the Underlight Canyon spawn point. He pretty much roams around in one spot so you don't have to look far at all from the points highlighted on the map. He was also not swimming too high off of the sea floor. The first time I found him was just above the Ruins of Theserai Temple, also not swimming too high up. Basically high enough in the water to be out of range of the hostile naga down below.

I have read that flying above the water is a viable way to search for him as NPCScan will pick him up. Although this way may be faster to get from one spawn point to the next, if he is found making your way down to him will take valuable seconds where someone else could snag him. If there is a lot of competition in the area and you plan on AFK camping this guy with NPCScan I recommend sitting your toon right on a spawn point under the water on your Abyssal Seahorse. If you don't already have the Abyssal seahorse, do the first few quest lines in Vashj'ir. It is given out as a quest reward shortly after you start questing there.

Once found, the actual fight with him isn't difficult. He has a couple of attacks that involve bubbles and he'll attempt to run away and heal. He's basically a paladin with fins.

He is also one of eight rare spawns in Vashj'ir. All of them are:

Abyssal Depths-
Kelp'Thar Forest-
  • Lady La-La - Drops a nice level 80 healer trinket
Shimmering Expanse-


  1. So since you found him in a spot where he's not even typically designated to be at, you really could just find him any where?

  2. No, read my full post. He has 5 total spawn locations. Four are in the Shimmering Expanse, and 1 is in the Abyssal Depths (where I found him.) So no, he cannot spawn anywhere. He can spawn in any one of those five locations.

  3. I apologize. I didn't read the entire post. Just looked at the photos real quick while doing quick research since I'm pulling my hair out farming this guy for 2 days now. Thanks.

  4. No problem man, good luck in your search!! ^-^

  5. 2 days... is not a long time =/

  6. he only has the possibility to spawn on friday and 11:00 am to saturday at 11:00 am... if killed before 5:00 am on saturday he may spawn before server restart on tuesday

  7. I have yet to see this one. I would love to have this as a mount; as well as the rare shot and pic for my silver dragon collection. Keep up the good work! :)

  8. Thanks Cymre, yeah this guy I had been looking for for a while. I toyed with the idea of learning him or selling him for the longest time, but ultimately ended up selling him because I don't really have a "main". I came to the conclusion that whichever toon I'd learn him on I would probably stop playing in a month or so... =P

    If they made this guy BoA somehow though......holy moly, it would be the ultimate mount. Definitely would have learned it then!

    1. Mounts are going to be BOA in MOP lol, your loss.

    2. Who's loss? Certainly not mine lol. I've made a lot of money off of this guy and have learned it on one of my mains...I call that a win/win.

  9. how do u get the tracks of the rare mob on the map?

  10. It's an add-on called NPCScan Overlay. You can ready more about it in my NPCScan post.

  11. I've killed this 7 or so times sadly before they introduced the reins of poseidus QQ
    now I have never seen him since and he is usualy farmed by an alliance guild called rare or something similar le sigh

  12. Cant belive i just got mine.. I gave up like a month ago you inspired me to do this again,then after 3 hours I got it!! Thank you so much.

  13. damn i hope i will find it i am swimming around for 4 hours now using npc overlay and also using /tar poseidus to find him but still nothing but i keep searching

  14. I got him on my server friday, he spawned at 1:28PM in Baleran Ridge...some shammy was pissed!

  15. I just got him at Beran Ridge, I went out and started looking for him about 5 minutes before along with lady lala, he poped up, i killed him. very easy and made 120k :) Also got a 359 caster cape and a enchant witch i didnt know yet, so this was a GREAT find for me!

  16. started camping him on friday morning. he spawned sat night. this undead priest killed me a few times while i camped....was even in the area when it spawned. was nice enough to tell her i got it but ty for killing me today ;) goodluck to anyone else who wants him

  17. My NPCScan didn't work :( damn thing swam right past me. So lucky I tabbed in for a second haha

  18. If you tab out NPCscan won't work it gets disabled, cuase WoW's sounds get disabled with it. Currently camping with two characters. x.x

    1. If you tab out in full-screen you will absolutely not hear it, that is correct. However, if you tab out in windowed mode you will be able to hear it. GL! =)

  19. could you post the coords of his locations?

  20. I have written a comprehensive guide on Poseidus. Can I post it here? I have 11 kills since June 2012. This was limited to 11 (could have been 20) except that Pandaria had server resets so often that Poseidus wasn't coming up. I am very wiling to share my information.

    1. Yeah sure, absolutely. The more information the better. :)

  21. I have been looking for this guy on and off since he was introduced but i have yet to see him spawn. I know this blog has been somewhat silent for 3 years, but i'd like to know if there's any new information about him. Can you be sure he can't spawn a monday for instance? The realm restarts are so short now, i was wondering if it has changed anything :)

  22. so if i have a camping group and we all tag him, does everyone in the group get him or just only 1 person??

  23. i just got him 11:30 SC server time. totally lucky for me cause he was there the first time i tried searching for him after i got the brinedeep bottom-feeder.

  24. Got him yesterday as well. Had a hell of day. After 3 days of farming all the Draenor rares, I got all 5 but Poundfist. Decided to take a quick peak up in Gorgrond and low and behold, Poundfist was just walking around. I, along with a Horde Shammy, got him.

    I was also farming the Grey Camel those 4 days and, while doing that, decided to give this guy a shot. Since NPCScan no longer picks him, up you need to spam a macro that will target and alert you. Was checking the points and spamming mine, and I get the bottom one in SE and boom. He's just swimming around. I almost shit. Downed him and got the mount.

    Went back to my Camel farming, and sure enough, on the 13th camel, I get ported to Feralas and get my Camel too. Hell of a damn 4 days for me!

  25. Does NPC_Scan or Silver dragon work with looking for him?
